FFXIV Quick Tips – Chat Keyboard Shortcuts!


I just found out that you can switch chat modes with your keyboard instead of clicking on the chat bubble! I had to share!

Alt+P to switch to Party Chat
Alt+A to switch to Alliance Chat
Alt+S to switch to Say Chat
Alt+H to switch to Shout Chat
Alt+Y to switch to Yell Chat
Alt+F to switch to Free Company Chat


Relevant Links:
Free Trail – https://freetrial.finalfantasyxiv.com/na/
Get the game – https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/series/final-fantasy-xiv

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Harris Heller – A Passion For Glory


#FFXIV #Guide #NewPlayer


3 thoughts on “FFXIV Quick Tips – Chat Keyboard Shortcuts!”

  1. And if you already bound those key combinations you can always just put /fc for FC, /s for say and /p for party and so on. And if you whispering back to someone, after you right clicked on them for tell, before you start to type push enter and they will become a private chat that will stay until you change it.


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