FFXIV PvP Bring out the BEST in Drak

Hey, at least I don’t spam “Nice job!” over and over after a loss.

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45 thoughts on “FFXIV PvP Bring out the BEST in Drak”

  1. "You should never be taken out of a fight for more than 5 seconds". Laughs in WoW a game that has diminishing returns where 90% of every arena is spent avoiding cc, being cc'd, or setting up a cc chain. At least here I don't have to fight rmp.

  2. Bx (half eye + =x= face) maybe he is a super NEST fan and just wanted to show you that he really was good at pvp and that you know the old method of "hey is that a popular youtuber/streamer that i like a lot…maybe if i beat him he would notice me….."NOTICE ME SENPAI" and kept trying to target you…..so the real question is….did you notice him/her senpai ? kek

  3. Honestly mixed feelings about crystal,
    WHM, BRD and RDM are absolutely busted and it shows
    Warrior surprisingly with a 25s 2s stun is MILD

  4. Drak, dear Drak, lord Drak, you need to teach me : how do you manage to target people so precisely on controler ?!
    I need your secret tech, it's unbearable over here O.O

    But man, i remember seeing your video looooooong ago of pvp (corey on warrior and jessy beating him with paladin) and that's the reason i joined pvp to begin with, and ended up playing it for hundreds of hours enjoying it.
    Glad to see you give it an other try and enjoying the new game mode !
    Drak for Rank 1 Crystal !!! We believe !!!

  5. Yeah you're definitely toxic 😂, I am too in MMO PvP, but mainly because I am almost never on a winning team. Dark Souls PvP I'm nowhere near as toxic, I only get upset at 1 shot builds in Souls games

  6. I can only imagine NEST playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel and getting in debates about what cards and effects are actually toxic or not, based each person's playstyle/preference…

  7. I love how in pvp STILL you are staying wholesome and respectful 🙂 When i listen to my husband or male friends pvp, people would know what TOXIC really is XD


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