The Races of Final Fantasy XIV Explained by an Idiot


So you’re wanting to play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy:XIV Online but have no idea what race to choose for your first character? Well buckle the f up my loyal internet goblins because i’m about to enlighten you so YOU can choose which freak of nature to spend the next decade of your life with.

Entirely just a video slandering the races in this game.

Game’s currently my go-to atm, and i’m wanting to branch out and try new things. I’d love to make more videos on this game, and i really hope you guys are willing to stick with me for the ride.

If you have any other video suggestions, i suggest joining our discord and discuss them with me! we have a really tight-knit community over there, and i plan to upload a lot more frequently now that i have that burst of inspiration.


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