FFXIV PVP 3 Changes I would Like To See In Frontline

In todays video I talk about three changes I think may benefit the future on Frontline PVP in FFXIV, talking about the Meta, Que synchs and a new idea for ability’s.

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Eorzea Collection

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12 thoughts on “FFXIV PVP 3 Changes I would Like To See In Frontline”

  1. Pvp, in general, is just not right. My win rate (outside the fields of glory) has dropped by 80 to 90 percent in the past 5 months. Something has definitely changed, and outside my daily fl, I don't want to do it anymore.

  2. I love your channel and love your pvp content, big fan.

    Lets see, agree some things and diagree with others.
    Starting with dragoon, I do think dragoons are slightly overtuned but they don't mind me too much, however, the indicator for the LB is atrocious, in frontline at least half of the dragoons LB that hit me I COULDN'T EVEN SEE, if the the LB itself is not getting a nerf, the minimum I ask is to be able to see one of the strongest LBs in the game properly, it's indicator should take priority over other animations, since thats the intended counter. I'm so tired of teamfighting and suddenly, I take a 42k-48k Sky Shatter out of nowhere, no trace of indicator or nothing because it's hidden behind all other effects.

    I don't think DRK need any major changes, but you suggestion about Salted Earth is really interesting and I wouldn't mind seeing it.

    Everything else is reasonable and I personally, don't see s a problem but I do think overall it would be an improvement, because I also don't know how deal with q sync because I'm a solo player and I enjoy the game more like that – and want to keep doing solo q, but when players qsync a part of I dunno 10+ Astrologians and start spamming Macrocosmos it's really a plain, but since that only hapenned once or tiwce, no big feelings about it.

  3. Dark Knights aren't too hard to handle. I started playing ninja over the weekend and i have never been so deadly. the doton + targeted shukuchi combo you showed off in a short has gotten me so far, plus the ability to lb and just pick off unsuspecting tanks is really nice.

  4. Personally I find red mages to be just outright stronger than dragoons on FL. Your LB isn't telegraphed, it deals the same damage as dragoons while on black shift, you have more than enough time in a single pull to corps-a-corps > frazzle > black shift LB in order to buff your own LB and all damage coming in. This is not to mention your melee combo is great at melting single target, your LB charges decently fast and you have a lot of mobility and cc to couple with pulls and 1v1s.
    Dark knights aren't that strong. Put a dark knight in the hands of an inexperienced player and they are probably not going to contribute nearly anything since they have no clue when to go in and how to group up entire alliances, not to mention dark knights entire contribution heavily depends on everyone running up behind them to blow the enemy up. There are just so many things that could go wrong that just make a dark knight innefective. It IS great at helping the team, but it requires the team to know and be able to follow up. It IS great at throwing people off, but this only works if those people are newcomers that don't know how to deal with a salted earth they weren't expecting.
    A very strong option that I see not many people talk about (at least not that I've seen) is black mage. Pure heavy sustained aoe damage on what is almost a 100% uptime LB with multiple CC options, all of which can also be AOE, with great mobility thanks to aetherial manipulation and great killing power in flares, superflare and thunder. VERY good pick to provide the team some much needed softening of targets or kills.

    Great video Mr. Salamander!

  5. I do think DRK's Salted Earth should get a small tweak, like you said. Some folks suggested limiting a max number of players in the radius; other suggested what you said about giving players a few seconds of imperviousness to the suction after being used on in order to combat teams that run exclusively all DRKs and just pull us all in a merry-go-around. But like you pointed out, those who fall for DRK's Salted Earth scheme now are newcomers to Frontline. Once the dust had settled around the initial frustration with DRK, I feel everyone is now familiar with the trappings and just drops what they're doing and starts piling on that opposing DRK or DRKs when they see them leading a team.

    See a DRK coming our way?
    BRD gets that Silence Nocturne on them or WHM casts Miracle of Nature at the just right moment to throw of their game

    DRK got their Guard up after a Salted Earth to flee?
    MNK or WAR comes in with their LB to shut that shield down and and follow-up with dragging/pushing them back to our crowd

    I have no issue with queue synchs, honestly. Yes, it can be frustrating to be on the opposing end of a queue synched team (which should encourage smarter plays from everyone next time), but on the other end, if you are part of a queue synched team, you will quickly learn the in's and out's of whatever's on rotation, which is healthy (like you said), especially for newcomers!

    I definitely agree with you on revamping on battle indicators for specific buffs and debuffs!
    For the longest time, I thought WAR's shield-breaking debuff around my character was PLD's LB shield buff because it LOOKS like I'm surrounded by an extra layer of shielding! It wasn't until I played WAR that I soon discovered that was debuff'd during those moments, haha.

    In any case, love your thoughts laid out here and looking forward to more of your PVP expertise!

  6. When I play Pally, Monk, or Ninja I always target the DRK. Something about slapping a well-timed stun before a Salted Earth makes for a great Pikachu face. I notice a lot of DRK pop Salted Earth as soon as they jump into battle. I used to do this too. Then I realized to wait until after the stun hits to hit Salted Earth, because now you have 10 Pallys, Monks, and Ninjas all around you that don't have a stun and there's no escape from the big red bubble muhahaha! >:D

  7. Awesome video and good list! I overall agree with you! Though I do think that DRG could use a little nerf, mainly their ability to leap out of bindings. Their damage can remain the same. Just limit the amount of times DRKs can pull enemies in like you suggested.

    Lately I've found that the win-rates for the premades are dropping significantly. A while back they won just about every game but now it's much more contested. Just like you pointed out, people have become better at the game. Now the other two companies usually starts to focus on the company with the premade which significantly reduces their chance of winning.

    The one change I'd hesitantly suggest myself is that there would be a limit to how long one could be stunlocked. Such as a rule that if a target had been stunned recently they couldn't be stunned for a few seconds.

  8. The issues with pvp: first, stemming from development choices, HP and native damage mitigation should be the same no matter the job. Damage mitigation and boost should come from skills and job abilities. Second, 3rd party scripts and hacks which alter damage and prevent crowd control. This is becoming a more prevalent issue than Qsyncing. My issue with the meta is that it makes the enjoyable chaos less so. The pve state of the game is boring choreography, the game needs to allow for player creativity beyond RP and player driven events. Tweaking jobs via nerfs, which already happens, at least alters the meta as you mentioned.

  9. I love playing DRK, but i hate how it seems to be a one trick pony in PvP. I don't use it there anymore because if I don't have a strong team to followup, I feel useless and get priority burst down anyway with no support and not much of a kit to fight back with

  10. Your point about DRK falls about when there are 2, 3, or even 4 DRKs all doing the same strategy. I play against the same 2 pre-made every day in light. They have 2 or more even single time. If you wanted to keep DRK, I think it’s Salted Earth cool down needs to be increased to make it less frequent. To be clear, I’ve done DRK strats and won over and over again. But is it actually fun? Not really. There is no strategy, just press Q and win. Additionally, if you don’t have the players to counter it, you have no chance no matter how good you’re. That’s just frustrating and pushes more casual players away from the mode. I think your view is a bit short sighted.

    EDIT: I do want to add that Astro does 100% need a nerf in frontlines. No healer should be able to burst and mass heal like that with one button. I’m CC it’s less of an issue to be fair, but in frontlines it’s unbelievably busted to the post where I would think running more astros is better than running most other DPS roles.

  11. Should i feel guilty now? xD I am abusing the drk drg meta with my 3 friends. also on top of abusing it i do shotcalls leading my whole team what to do which results in a 90% or more winrate overall.
    I wonder if i ever had a match with or against you. i think we re both on Light, innit?


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