Dibs on a window seat in Void Ark for our return to the 13th!
Links and Sources:
Final Fantasy XIV Magitek Armor: https://youtu.be/q8RuIXX4ntc
6.1 MSQ References and Easter Eggs: https://youtu.be/TbjXF7_HeCs
Hyadain’s “Battle with the Four Fiends”: https://youtu.be/_UoyjKK8CoY
Special shoutout to @RetroSho for helping me discover the Famitsu article about Rubicante! If any one is a translator or bilingual, I’d love to have the full article translated.
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mericam
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mericam49
Discord: https://discord.gg/x6wQTgG
All SNES footage recorded using an Analogue Pocket: https://analogue.co
All footage and music is © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. This video contains edits done by myself and is meant for educational purposes.
#ffxiv #ff14 #ffxivlore #endwalker #ff4 #ff2
The best part of every patch!
When i was doing the new dungeon and saw the note about the voidsent goldsmith i instantly thought "oh i cant wait to hear about this on Mericam". Also a thing to support Hydain working on the trail theme, Soken replied to someone on twitter making the connection with "Maybe one of these days there will be an official announcement as to who arranged that song?"
Halone's Appearance looks very similar to Minerva, the Goddess in Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core (and is kicking my arse) might be pure coincidence but the timing with the remake and 6.3, makes a bit suspicious.
Very good video!
Loved learning about the parallels of this patch and ff4.
yay another mericam vid
I noticed that when Zero reached the top of "mount ordeals" she solidified her change of heart and elected to leave her old self serving ways behind to find a better way. I'm betting the statue in her domain is her.
great video!!
im really looking forward to your speculation vid!! ❤
good stuff thank you.
question: was your different pronounciation of Edge pulled from somewhere? I've always thought it was like the edge of something but you say it like age so I'm wondering if the character's pronounciation is just different and I didn't know because I've only ever played the original snes version
A good quality video, breaking down the easter eggs with the perfect amount of context? Well gosh didly darn that's the good shit right there!
Edge is pronounced how it normally is in English. Like the edge of a table.
Rubicante is "roo-bi-cawnt", no French-like flair on it.
It is good practice if you aren't sure how to pronounce a main character's name to check Dissidia as those are considered the 'canon' way to pronounce them (such as Tidus being pronounced "tee-dus" even though we all say "tye-dus") or just use the pronunciations used by characters in cutscenes!
One thing you missed during the initial Garlemald discussion is that there's also a note if you finished the 6.1 joint role quest, mentioning the battle at the Tower of Babil.
Totally forgot that was my fav Edgey boy ninja's last name. Also little sad as a Machinist there was no talk about our skills with machines to aid repairing the Mammoth.
Someone is gonna need to post the lyrics of Rubicante's theme music. It's so fire! 🔥🔥👀
That steamy and spicy content from zero was pretty hot am I right?
I'm confused, are you sure that the ninja from Final Fantasy 4 has his name pronounced out why? I could have sworn it was Edge like the edge of a sword
I love u content listen to it during work since I'm alone but this video got me the person from ff4 ur talking about in the dungeon is called Edge like the edge of a cliff or knife hope u don't take offense to me correcting you also his real name is Edward Geraldine thx for ur awesome work
A nice video again 😉
I don't know if you make mention of it in another video, but I personally found the spelling of "Manikin" used here worth mentioning, as it is the same spelling used to describe two other kinds of entities in Final Fantasy: The first, and less relevant perhaps, are the Manikins that take on the form of heroes and villains in Dissidia: Final Fantasy. The second, and perhaps more relevant, would be the Manikins seen taking on the guise of living mannequins within the Fractal Continuum that come to life as we go through the museum portion of the dungeon.
That said, the Geraldine reference completely went over my head on my first playthrough, but that all lines up so well. Great catch!
Hey, just want to tell you this is a really solid video! Good editing, voice work, etc. If I could give a word of advice as one content creator to another, a good idea is to either limit an intro down to a couple seconds or forego it completely. Yours lasted about 55 seconds, which gives ample room for people to just click off. Just figured I'd throw that out there. Either way, nice job with the videos. Keep it up!
An amazing video as always Meri! I didn't notice the grave in the Trial so its really cool you pointed that out! Maybe we'll get to see Lunarians in our future MSQ! Exciting times ahead! ^_^
Keep up the awesome content! 💜
you ROCK!!!!!
Wake up babe, new Meri video just dropped.
Amazing video Meri!! You never cease to amaze me with the content you create! <3
Lmao I was wondering if Varshann was cold, that was one of the conversation points I missed thank you!
Great video, now I want MORE LORE
TIL there's a side quest for the story of the archfiends. I need to find and do that ASAP D:
Glad you also connected the subterfuge on Cagnazzo from both games. I noticed that too.