FFXIV Patch 6.2- Lore Reaction

Sorry if the audio is crap in some places, I live in a tight little area and someone seems to wanna do noisy housework every time I record it’s awful. But! I really liked this trailer and I’m excited to experience it with all of you later this month! Hope to see y’all there!

#ffxiv #endwalker #patch


27 thoughts on “FFXIV Patch 6.2- Lore Reaction”

  1. I think the starting VO over the Island Sanctuary makes a lot of sense. "Our world used to be like this" shows beautiful vibrant island santuary, "but now it's like this" shows void

  2. It'd be really cool to have the MSQ call back to Sky Pirates, but I'm not convinced it will because that storyline isn't mandatory for MSQ. I think that might be part of Tataru's grand endeavor. I'd love to be wrong though.

  3. Anyone else notice how Y’shtola seems to be the healer in these clips? I wonder if her job as “Sorceress” gets expanded within the Trust system.

    Also, are BLM mains getting a new skill? Couldn’t help but notice Ysayle using an ice spell I haven’t seen before.

  4. Something that worries about the new tribe is that I'm pretty sure it's implied that Ultima Thule and everything there will eventually cease to exist. It might make the story feel like a waste if that were the case.

    Although I do still have hope for it as well. The entire place was formed by the emotions our comrades, and Emet says when they summon the field of flowers that they no longer need to fight that fight. This could imply that the region will remain stable.

    I also disagree with the notion that the denizens aren't real, or that they're just mishmashed memories. They engage with us as individuals and react to the new stimulus we provide them.

  5. I've got a few thoughts on this.
    – That Void reaper is most definitely going to be shown to be that avatar considering the scythe is the exact same, and I'm still of the thought that she is Zeno's 13th reflection. What better vessel for a resident of the 13th than another reflection of that person?

    – I noticed that the memory stone Lahabrea is holding is colored differently than the one you pick up that corresponds to him in Amaurot. With how the other ancient's face seems to emerge over Lahabrea's at the end, I've got the long-shot feeling that the Lahabrea that we meet in ARR is not the white-haired gentleman we're going to meet in this update. Maybe it's his successor to the seat, who is also the antagonist of this part? Maybe I'm wrong and Lahabrea just went mad? We'll see soon enough.

  6. i dont think the person upside down on the poster is Lahabrea, notice that he has a white mask on like Erich and Themis while right side up Laha has his red convication mask. It may just be an error, but it also may be something to consider.

    Watching the trailer again o think it weird that a member of the 13th was brought before us like the others(yes i know reaper wasnt added till endwalker) BUT i think our mysterious reaper of the 13th IS zenos's voidsent partner. The voice was distorted enough to sound male But by looking at the scythe the new reaper has and the scythe the voidsent has they look almost the same. I think they might be the same character. And the light yshtola mentioned might be what helps restore them to who they were before.

  8. I always tought the Omicrons in UT were the "real" ones… sure, the Ea and the dragons are obviously shades, even their forms are vague and almost ethereal, but the robots are very well defined, and, with the exception of the "Big Eye" boss, all are working perfectly, they just had been ordered to wait… to me it seems they were dragged and/or stranded in UT rather than being made by Meteion

  9. The Sultana's Job? Dark Knight.

    Azdaja being Golbez's Shadow Dragon would be… interesting, and would definitely make sense if there's no other Void Dragons that would be fodder. Then the goal at that point, at least for Vrtra, would be to un-corrupt her.

    I wouldn't be too surprised if we somehow got Unukalhai and Cylva involved by the 6.5 patch MSQ or whenever the venture into the Thirteenth reaches its conclusion since that was kind of their goal after bringing them together post-5.3

    I'm definitely hoping that entity isn't Zenos, I got bored of him pretty quickly and really didn't want to deal with him during Endwalker. But a theory I've seen buzzing around is that the Voidsent Zenos formed a pact with… is the Azem fragment from the Thirteen and might even be Cecil (yes, FF4's Cecil Harvey)? I… really don't see why that would ever be the case but aside from a "resurrected Zenos" or "Zenos possessed by his Voidsent" theory I haven't seen anything else. So I guess I'm curious to find out what that entity is. It's definitely using the Deepgold War Scythe going by the design, but that's also what the woman at the start of the trailer had.

  10. I think that Nanamo would probably be either Gladiator/paladin ( inspired/trained by those closest to her in order to protect herself with the shield more than to strike with the sword.) or a distant job in order to be as far from harm as possible (at least that would've been the intent of her trainer) maybe an original job using a crossbow, I feel like it could fit her.

  11. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Was that Ysayle?! Was that her at 7:39?! Like, it could just be her model, but it looks exactly like her and she did seem to use ice there! Could she maybe be coming back?! I'd be so happy if she is! 😀

  12. Please keep Zenos dead Please keep Zenos dead Please keep Zenos dead Please keep Zenos dead Please keep Zenos dead–

    I am so, so, so sick of that blonde cockroach. I'm done with him.

    Also, Scholar for Nanamo. Her strengths are in inspiring and directing people and providing support, rather than direct combat. I think she'd be a pretty amazing Scholar.

    The Heavensward trusts might be hard on me, because of Ysayle and Haurchefant. I'm (not) ready to cry again.

  13. So random thought. What if Lahabrea dies at the end of the Pandaemonium arcs and Erichthonios takes his seat in his lifetime. This had literally nothing to do with the trailer, but I had to throw this thought somewhere.


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