FFXIV Parsing: Does it MATTER?!

For all the raiders and raiders to be out there, you’ll probably run into the topic of Parses or Parsing in FFXIV at some point. So really, does it matter in the grand scheme of things? Let’s figure out if a parse is the be all or end all for Savage and Ultimate fights!!!!!!!!

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15 thoughts on “FFXIV Parsing: Does it MATTER?!”

  1. This was a nice video tbh I’m surprised you don’t have a lot of subs. My personal opinion of parsing is that it’s a good tool to measure if the person is doing enough dps to beat the boss but I feel that raid group statics take parsing too seriously and forget that the player needs to have mechanic consistency too. When I was reclearing uwu, I would look at some peoples parses while waiting in pf and some of them had 98-99s in savage or a purple parse in the ultimate we are doing, but can’t survive simple mechanics such as titan landslide or doing the ifrit dashes on a consistent basis (not people who die once by mistake) I feel people should put more effort in understanding and surviving mechanics better. There’s also some people who use “tools” that help them with their rotation or tell them where to go and then try and dunk on people who have a lower parse than them.

    Besides that the only thing that matters in the end and what I love about the game is that sweet sweet ending cutscene of the boss blowing up and everyone dancing

  2. TLDR, I think parsing specifically in XIV is 1% skill, 9% consistency and 90% crit RNG for non-rdps jobs, you need to add another 50% to count the performances of all of your teammates if you are playing a raid-buff job.
    I started the game in 5.2 and was super into parsing until 5.4. I tried in so many parse parties and still cannot get a pink for my p12s door boss, then one day I helped a friend of one of my static member cleared p12 and I got pink (actually rank 3 at the time) at door boss because I crited nearly 80% of my Wicked Talon. I stopped parsing since then, cleared TEA and UCoB in 5.5 and I noticed I have been so much better of a help in my group's savage/ultimate progs.

  3. "A Parse is worthless when you cant clear the fight"

    For me is consistancy way more importent then this imo overrated number, sure its importent to make big damage but wiping because you are to greedy is worse, i see it in TEA P4 when Obtain Stillness is the first in "Final Word" most of the time atleast one dps die because they think "Nah i can use one more attack for my dps!"

    You dont want in Ultimate Prog People that just survive in 1 of 3 case because they must push their parses.

    In this Rank 1 Drama with Xenosys he also say that in his way. Prog > Parsing

    Thats also the reason why most of my first kill parses are terrible grey green most of the case because im more focused on playing every mechanic right to dont have a wipe in the last part of the fight, when im more comfy with the fight i starting to also play more risky or already know which mechanic i have to play in this burst window etc

  4. To add some credibility to my claims, feel free to look up my character.

    Akane Kurogami@Jenova

    I really liked the points you made on how parses do matter on a very basic and fundamental level. While getting oranges and pinks may be unnecessary or pointless, at least striving for purples should be the general goal of the standard raider. Too many people, especially casuals, have a negative connotation with parsers. From my experience, the vast majority of "toxic parsers" are low purple randoms who really believe 1 GCD is the difference between a 0 and a 99. They're the type of people to join a reclear and think that they are God's gift to earth and can do no wrong. Real parsers will host/join a parse PF or already be in a static/group. (Sidenote, I personally hate parsing Anab due to players who haven't cleared the tier joining parse parties and get annoyed when they are kicked. Yes, this can be seen as toxic but I'm personally not going to accept someone with three greys as PBs into my parse party) Frankly speaking since I'm friends with a lot of parsers, not to mention I'm in CERP (Crystal ERParsers), majority of serious parsers are normal people with higher standards. A lot of them I would consider good friends, and we do things like roulettes and we would never try to flex our numbers on someone or shit on them for having low savage numbers because it doesn't matter.

    Just the other day, I was in a p11s farm party and WHM was doing really subpar damage yet my SCH friend was saying how they're throwing everything at the wall to keep us alive. After a few wipes my SCH friend asks if they can coordinate heals to prevent overhealing and MP/Lily mismanagement. The WHM retorts with how they're not here for numbers which then turns to the entire party starting to berate me and my friend. By the time of the 4m window, we can see the WHM is at a decent amount of MP while my SCH has 2k MP and nothing remaining. As Eunonia comes out, they throw out a Recitation Spreadlo yet we still manage to die. Again, my SCH friend asks what's going on and the WHM replies that they don't have any lilies there because they used it all during pairs/LPs. At this point my SCH friend (who is an omnihealer) just tells them to move a lily away from thag and towards the Eunomia but the WHM refuses and it doesn't get resolved. We ended up leaving the party without a clear since the entire party had sided with the WHM as we were the big bad parsers imposing our will onto a poor little WHM.

    It's situations like these that can lower people's opinions on parsers when we're just trying to help. Thr WHM was clearly not understanding what needed to be adjusted and instead log checked us and then used it against us when we just wanted to add consistency and clear. A lot (not all!) of casual players and low end raiders don't understand how their classes work on a fundamental level, but get offended when offered advice on how to improve. I think this is a fundamental difference in mindset when it comes to high end parsers (specifically high end, as mid to low end parsers are often wannabes and should instead focus on their rotation/consistency instead) and casual players. Casuals are content with doing what feels easiest and comfortable as opposed to high end parsers who are constantly looking for ways to improve their play. This difference in mentality can cause the groups to clash as one may just be looking for the easiest clear (or in some cases the only clear) while parsers will oftentimes go back and analyze their rotation and optimize. (This does not stop people from critting out of their minds and getting a high rank randomly) Me, personally, I like going and spreadsheeting my rotation and planning things out beforehand. I even came up with a better rotation for RPR in full uptime fights but its marginally harder and a mistake could seriously break the rotation.

    I've ranted too long without saying much of anything so to summarize, casuals are too uncaring to practice or improve most of the time or they feel immense discontent from seeing someone perform better than them. Most high end parsers I've hung around are usually chill but they enjoy optimizing and pushing the envelope. Most mid to low end parsers typically are faux parsers as they do not fully understand their job yet or how certain mechanics in the game work (Buff feeding, killtime, thresholding, buff alignment, sandbags, etc) and should focus on expanding their knowledge base and practice their rotation.

    PS Seriously, why are casuals always the most toxic? It's always a casual who brings up numbers in a random roulette.

  5. My personal opinion on parsing is, its nice to be able to see it.

    I use it to improve myself more the anything else but my static uses it to see whatelse we can do.

    Am I a high parsing player? Nope! I am normally high blue/low purple however nothing annoys me more then people who use their high parsers to be assholes! I seen some blue players work really well while some gold players do mistakes and blame everyone else 😅

  6. I think it's a very intrapersonal gauge of how you are doing.
    For me, the only parse I care about is the first 0 death parse. That is the only one that I really think shows my own personal skill and development.
    But if we look at people doing parse runs, I do not think it matters at all.
    You might look at it like a speedrunner, but I see parse hunting as spinning a slot machine. That is not something healthy and encouragable, nor prestigious.
    Some people find it fun, but I don't, and don't think it's healthy to pursue after a point.

  7. I parse for personal performance tracking. Fflogs has been really great for helping me understand what I'm actually contributing to a fight and having more feedback than the aggro list is better for me when it comes to understanding my performance. I used to think I was actually awful at bard, but I was very surprised when I was getting consistent blues and it motivated me to work harder on getting the right song timings and properly aligning buff windows. I'm not really an optimizer, but it has definitely been a fun experience and as I said before, it's good to have something informative to look at for feedback.

  8. Ah so parsing just means you are a nerd who decided to make the game efficient and is a boring elitist who only talks to other elitists.
    This probably explains the reason why I am running out of mana when my co-healer is just going "I attak" with 80-90% mana while I'm the only one keeping the team topped up.
    If I could count the amount of white mages who NEVER cast a regen… Its funny to slowly stop casting heals and watching people drop just to see if the other HEALER will actually use their skills.

  9. I love parsing for one specific reason. It gives me a number I can strive to beat, and by doing so not out of competition to others. Another bonus is that because it's imperial data, I can't imposter syndrome my way out of the achievements lmao.


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