FFXIV: Fashion Report Friday – Week 183 – Theme : High-Class Postmaster


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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


27 thoughts on “FFXIV: Fashion Report Friday – Week 183 – Theme : High-Class Postmaster”

  1. Thank you Meoni! I appreciate you posting this every week! I hope you and Fran have a wonderful weekend!!
    Oh, in the easiest 80 portion, what chest piece do you have on your character?

  2. I just knew that mog postman cap would be useful someday lol! 😆 I also believe I have all the rest of the items! Been waiting all week for this as it’s a fairly large chunk of mgp rewarded in a very short amount of time! Thank you so much Meoni! Stay safe. ❀

  3. I can get everything, my first 100 and the achie—

    "Scion Adventurer's Boots are only in the second-to-last quest before Stormblood."




    FFXIV NEVER wants me to get the Fashion Report 100! cries

    I just got the Postmoogle Cap(stupid boring questline) and I could get the best and pants… but the boots… impossible. ;_;

  4. If you are low on gil remember you can world hop from a aetheryte to hunt for a better price. Got my pants cheaper at Gilgamesh (Aether). (o.<)b

    *Also if you can't see the moogle npc in Limsa. You need to do a quest by Klynthota in Mor Dhona (x30,y13) "Of Errant Epistles" lv50. I was very lost 😅

  5. Apparently the Scion Adventurer's Jacket also works! If you can't get the top Meoni mentions, try that. I just tested it, and no, it doesn't work. The Flat Cap does work.

  6. Hey everyone, just so you know- the guides have already made the rounds so each of these items is now astronomically priced. Probably not with several hundred thousand Gil for the gold this week


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