We fight our way through the Twinning Dungeon in the Final Fantasy XIV Open Beta on the PlayStation 5. Watch as we work with our teammates to make it through the dungeon and defeat The Tycoon Boss.
We fight our way through the Twinning Dungeon in the Final Fantasy XIV Open Beta on the PlayStation 5. Watch as we work with our teammates to make it through the dungeon and defeat The Tycoon Boss.
Best Dungeon
É legal?
I prefer Elder Scrolls Online
10/10 character name
Also catJAM music
Let's be honest , this video was made just so people could listen to this mad tune again .
I don't play FFXIV anymore, but what's the name of the music?
10/10 Glamour and 10/10 name, however you're not playing as a MNK so I have to unfortunately deduct points on combat representation lol
what a bop