FFXIV – Omega Ultimate Phase 5 Trio 2 COMPLETE + Trio 3 Wipe

Hey everyone, we managed to get past Trio 2 AND Trio 3 today! Here is the Trio 2 clip and a Trio 3 clip is coming tomorrow in the afternoon. However, there is something I want to put in the description of both of these videos as its quite important to me.

Near the end of raid night two nights ago, some screenshots surfaced of one of our members having an AoE plugin overlay. He himself has made a comment on said images as well: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss801i

Obviously not going to try and pretend that those images aren’t circulating, that would be dumb.

I’m pretty upset by the whole thing as I’ve been working hard this last week. We have tons and tons of diagrams and shitty paint drawings to show for it, not to mention our 9ths going through and making raid plans and strategies for us by scouring through endless pulls that we and other groups we’re doing. We all have put in a lot of effort and I’m going to continue that effort.

I understand no matter what, my continued play in this group for the time being is going to be viewed by some as distasteful. I had considered leaving prog, but my entire team wanted to continue after the matter had been settled. I didn’t want to be the reason they all had to stop, and for now I’ll be finishing prog with the group in question.

This isn’t being swept under the rug nor ignored. I just don’t want to stop prog when the rest of my team wants to continue and finish while our caster streams his POV as accountability for the remainder of prog.

Wish I could have had a drama free prog this time around, but at least the fight is really fun. Aiming to finish this up before next week so I can get back to the usual uploads.


13 thoughts on “FFXIV – Omega Ultimate Phase 5 Trio 2 COMPLETE + Trio 3 Wipe”

  1. Copy/pasting the description since plenty don't read it.

    Hey everyone, we managed to get past Trio 2 AND Trio 3 today! Here is the Trio 2 clip and a Trio 3 clip is coming tomorrow in the afternoon. However, there is something I want to put in the description of both of these videos as its quite important to me.

    Near the end of raid night two nights ago, some screenshots surfaced of one of our members having an AoE plugin overlay. He himself has made a comment on said images as well: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss801i

    Obviously not going to try and pretend that those images aren't circulating, that would be dumb.

    I'm pretty upset by the whole thing as I've been working hard this last week. We have tons and tons of diagrams and shitty paint drawings to show for it, not to mention our 9ths going through and making raid plans and strategies for us by scouring through endless pulls that we and other groups we're doing. We all have put in a lot of effort and I'm going to continue that effort.

    I understand no matter what, my continued play in this group for the time being is going to be viewed by some as distasteful. I had considered leaving prog, but my entire team wanted to continue after the matter had been settled. I didn't want to be the reason they all had to stop, and for now I'll be finishing prog with the group in question.

    This isn't being swept under the rug nor ignored. I just don't want to stop prog when the rest of my team wants to continue and finish while our caster streams his POV as accountability for the remainder of prog.

    Wish I could have had a drama free prog this time around, but at least the fight is really fun. Aiming to finish this up before next week so I can get back to the usual uploads.

  2. My only question is why do people do what they do? Just play the game as is. No addons means no addons or looking at other statics for strategies. Do it blind and finish it. It is an ultimate after all and this is not WoW. Granted they should start putting their own versions of QOL addons in the game and well ACT is what it is, other than that no game should fall to WoWs level of addons. Hell even ESO as riddled with addons as it is does not come close to WoW, it is mostly UI and QOL stuff.

  3. its unfortunate that this controversy had to have happened, i just hope that this creates a better, intense, fair race in future ultimates that has some measure of rules of what is allowed and what isnt. SE's gray area has been too gray for too long and doesnt have to be the standard for community driven events like WF races

  4. Doesn't SE refrain from inviting people who stream with ACT to media tours? I hope you playing with a known cheater lands you on that backlist.

    SE should revoke your clear as well as soon as you clear.


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