The Samurai Responds | Xeno Reacts to FFXIV AoE Drama


The Samurai who defended the tank who was not using AoE skills in a max level dungeon responds to Xeno’s Previous video. This is part 2 of this incredibly mild drama! Final Fantasy 14 Drama never ceases to deliver.

Response video by @Rudrake :

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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker

Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)

Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen

Background music by Sirius Beat

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26 thoughts on “The Samurai Responds | Xeno Reacts to FFXIV AoE Drama”

  1. Xeems called me an idiot during Midas. It was an honor.

    I don't know if you remember me, but at one time I was on your friend list, Zanzhiz Exaverion, you removed me from yours eventually, but understandable. WidePeepoSad

    It was when my tank and I were discussing why our raid group was doing poorly in A8S, we were discussing Robot Phase strats, and I didn't like Xeno's strat because it seemed "greedy" (He was the greed god). My friend Phafi told Xeno directly, because he's like that, and Xeno said "Tell that guy he's an idiot… actually, give me your Discord, I'll tell him my fucking self." Phafi did a few of the HW Man-Modes with Xeno as well. We were all in the same FC at the time.

    But anyway, I don't know if you'd remember it, but you joined my discord and tore me the fuck apart. It was fucking hilarious. After that you then hung out and us three talked about why you raid and why you think the way you do while raiding. I honestly believe it made me a better player hearing Xeno talk about why he did the things the way he did in a raid & strats for a fight. This was at the time when honestly, a lot of people were total shit at the game game-sense wise, so these skillsets were still developing. Hardcore raiders & their videos back then kind of paved the way for all the stuff we do now in simpler ways.

    Still a really fun story to tell people that I have. You're a legend.

    Content is 10/10 bro, glad to see you succeed.

  2. If the MT posted it, then it was for attention. He was the one who sucked at playing tank. If you cant hit AOE's then don't que for level 90 content. It no way they went through the game like that. If you're new it's on you to learn the basics.

  3. lol this SAM really thought he did something with this video… I mean he DID do something and confirmed his stupidity and southern kermit the frog voice

  4. Not associated with the shitters in the post, but I don't like mane tank. The interactions I've had with him have been pretty toxic to the extent he would harass my static and people in it.
    Mane Tank isn't wrong in this instance though. At 90 you aren't new, and if you cant use AoEs as a tank at that point you're just griefing.

    When I go into a dungeon, I'm there for the tomes I don't say anything even hi at the start of the dungeon. I don't wanna be there longer than I have to be. If a DPS runs ahead and I'm tanking then sprint is probably on CD and theirs isn't.

  5. Tbf when I first started I didn't understand the concept of tanking I assumed it was dps with more steps back then and I refused to use aoe because the damage was bad but now a days I know better always do aoe in group mobs at least to start a rotation you can mix in regular combos here and there but aoe is where you're going to catch the most foes to generate enmity on groups.

  6. lol had worse, people in this game are the most utter snowflake stains of sht ever. A tank and his friend stopped playing cuz I was pulling mobs ahead and bringing them to him to aoe, it's as efficient as it can be and he started crying because it's not him tagging them? while all he had to do is play the game and stay braindead

  7. Also, back in 2.0- i think about 4.0/5.0 was whem they made tank stance no longer cause tanks to do 15% less damage with stance on: requiring tanks to stance dance, and warrior still only had a single aoe attack for longer than the other tanks… Back then, single targeting a pull was reccomended to an extent (usually by dropping stance for a bit) to quickly dispatch enemies but in most cases: you would still start with an aoe attack. As for single target: you would need to start cycling targets after every hit. This was usually used by people who were comfortable in tank toll in general. Honestly: this shouldnt really be done anymore except by warriors on low level content since they dong generate bar with aoe attacks: but even then; i dont reccomend it to people new at tanking…

    Sufficient to say: aoe combo as a tank; its not worth single target cycling anymore. I would also argue that if you have a tank not doing it, i would start by asking nicely why… As people tend to get defensive if your sentence can be mistaken as accusatory… I know, we all should grow some thick skin esp. In an mmorpg; but unfortunately this isnt WoW where you can call people out anymore

    Tl;dr: REMEMBER TP? GOD I HATED THAT ESPECIALLY WHEN THE AST WOULD GIVE YOU ARROW. this isnt actually a tl;dr. Read through it properly plz 🙂

  8. bro it's like 4th video i wach about this today :D.
    You should be able to press 1 and 2 as a functional human being. I can understanding if this would happen in like arr dungeons where you have new players still learning but not in the 90lv end MSQ.
    Whell you wana use food for extra exp.

  9. One thing for certain is : That tank isnt new. The player behind that tank has some god awful superiority complex to mess around his party members by slowing the run on purpose just because someone pulled the mobs ahead of him.

    If i were to be the dps of this tank, i would simply auto attack and get myself a coffee.

  10. these people are so mentally retrdd. These are the people who would defend someone who would only use autoattacks in their group, and scream "LET THEM PLAY HOW THEY WANT TO PLAY", or they wouldn't cuz that would cross a line, even tho it would be logically inconsistent to their previous behavior

  11. The fact the first thing this dude says aside from introducing himself is that he "has made it" in XIV tells you exactly what sort of schtick he's trying to peddle. In it for the attention. So I suspect his friend is probably in on it with him.

    Anywho, I'm just here to give a view and like for someone who isn't intentionally being a moron in game for recognition…well at least most of the time. 😛

  12. SE encourages this kind of behavior ''you don't pay my subscribe'' this game become the paradise of trash toxic casuals, and they knows SE protect this kind of PoS, just see on the screenshots, the guy talks about elitist and ''enjoy your ban asshole'' but the tank level 90 and he doesn't know how AoE ? ofc he know but ''He PuLL sO kEEp THe AGroOOo'', just GTFO

  13. I don't pay anyone's sub, so far be it from me to say how others plat the game, but at the same time, if you insist on wasting my time by refusing to do the bare minimum of your role (not counting mistakes or learning process, which I completely forgive), then you SHOULD pay MY sub. I'm not being sincere, but if I gotta deal with a tank not using AoE in an endgame dungeon, I want to see $12 USD in my paypal.

  14. Maybe the person's idea of normal clear time is different than most. I usually run expert with my buddies with 3 DPS and 1 warrior. In my opinion, most experts I que into don't clear with a normal time. Also, there is even a dungeon with a boss that tells you you are sh!t if you pay more attention. Most of the parties I que into got a level 7 in that fight, which means we are sh!t! I've never gotten more than level 5 with a party of random.

  15. Content-drought dramaaaaa. As an aside,

    Patch 4.5-5.0 was 5 months. 6.5-7.0 is going to be 8 months (October to June/July). Why is each expansion getting more and more drawn out. What's next, 3-year expacs?

  16. I just wanna point out, this all stemmed out of him escalating and blowing up the situation when all Mane Tank did was politely say, "hey Tank, please use aoe attacks". Like ???? It's such obvious bullshit


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