FFXIV Custom Character "Boss Intros"

Some old videos I made over the past year or so that I’m just now uploading to YouTube. Characters: (me) Shafyria: …


22 thoughts on “FFXIV Custom Character "Boss Intros"”

  1. Imagine if this was for 1v1 pvp.
    You make your own intro and whoever you face see's yours. Each battle either against a player live, or a preset boss using your character race, class and stats.

    Roles will face themselves as an option, just in case you don't want to battle a warrior as a whm. (eg. tanks can only fight tanks). But you can toggle off for a challenge.

  2. The team of hopefuls were ecstatic as they joked with eachother about the final trial of becoming a scion was peobably another jumping puzzle. Arriving in a clearing they were silenced by a massive whirlwind complete with lightning bolts shooting throughout the gale.
    When it cleared there stood a lone figure readied for battle.
    The hopefuls' faces became whiter than half of Tsukiyomi.
    "Oh seven hells"
    "Twelve preserve"
    Their foe didnt speak, only nod, for they were the Warrior of Light


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