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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
Oh god not the landslides
The close beta is start
Looks good… But I can't help but wonder why it exists. Who is it for?
this is so weird lol it might just work
The trial looks like they've made all sorts of adjustments to it—I don't remember the boulders around the arena in the beginning of the trial (you can see how it stopped the WHM from falling off the arena in the initial knockback attack) and I'm pretty sure Titan never did a knockback from one side of the arena (he does it all from the middle of the arena, no?). Presumably it's to accommodate any lag or player movement hampered by the mobile controls? I'm curious about the mounts too, they've shown Mr. WAR driving the chocobo carriage mount from the cash shop; I wonder if there'll be a separate cash shop for the mobile game, all microtransactions-like, or if we'll be able to link our SE account and get our purchased mounts in the mobile game too 🤔
Looks great considering it’s mobile.
i think they are uploading the official videos on bilibili instead of youtube
you may have forgotten Meoni, but they removed, or added a toggle for, the display of quests during FATEs and instanced duties
It has flying because it is still the same game. This isn't ARR Classic. It just goes up to ARR. Everything else remains the same. That is why flying is in game. And the fate with no skull makes sense, given the Chinese Culture does not like seeing bones. Just like this game is probably going to be a completely different client or server. I doubt we will be able to play with people on phones like we do with people on consoles and pcs ect.
Watched arthars stream the cbt china version of it and I think maybe it's a good idea for new comers to be introduced to the ff14 world/mmo? For existing players like me, personally I don't see any point or value in this on mobile. I already have ff14 on my steamdeck too so…
all those sprouts…
Low key hyped about everything except the jumping puzzles lol god noooo they’re already a pain as it is in the main game
I just feel like this is a waste of time. Why does there need to be a mobile version. Square is milking ff14 and think they can use the ff14 name to get people to play a gotcha game. Why are you not talking about that?
Of course the dragoon ended up falling off the arena
So, this is just ARR Plus so far?
I kind of thought it was the normal game just ported to phone.
so it looks like FFXIV "Classic" but with all the QoL we had all over the years.
world first uwu clear on mobile when???
No stamina bar? It's already trash 😂🙃🙃
That actually looks SO much better than what i thought it would look like! Looking forward to it!!
Nice graphic glitch @1:17
The rock animations that appear after titian punches the ground look cool compared to the column of light in the base game.
Was that not ex? The knockback and 5 landslides are in ex. If that's normal for mobile, they better change the main game 😤
This is basically an ARR made from ground up. There's no snapshot, characters has extra animations, auto attacks for casters, VOIP, and so on. Imagine if this becomes successful. Maybe PC and console version will get the updated FF14 from mobile QoL.
4:23 why are you surprised? The game is being released with all current content so, would make sense they would have it here
In terms of spaming the "auto-attack", it might simply be tap and hold and it would do auto attack instead of having to spam it. Other than that they might change it to add being being able that you decide if that button itselfs auto attacks by your own choice. After all, it is still in beta, so many things could change.
The game is interesting and I would give it a try
I can hardly imagine how exactly the controls would work. How we can combine, for example, moving and casting at the same time. Rotating the camera aswell.
I'm curious about the movement coz it doesn't look like it has one of those onscreen movement circle pads.
We lost FF11 remake for this its so over….
Savage run when??
I really hate how the enemies don't stagger at all or at least flinch a little. It looks worse on the mobile than it does vs the mmo.
there are elements of the hard/EX version (5 landslides at once), knockbacks that werent landslide, and of course 8 players instead of 4.
seems the story versions are going to be a bit more involved than retail
Man the social features blows the pc version away. They are so smart because n China, they play only mobile games and this will bring back a ton of players that can’t game on pc anymore due to life or other.
Doesnt seem like either tank had on a stance
Think of the attack button more like your 123 VS an auto attack.
Ok but… how is crafting going to be like? 👀
We know there is no way it can be the same as what we have now
Mr happy covered the jobs earlier today.
It actually looks good.
Also, the 24 player raids are going to be turned into altered 8 man raids for those wondering
Do you guys not have phones?
That "present/gift" icon seems like a clear sign of mobile microtransactions.
No thanks, aint got no time to play 2 Final Fantasy 14's
This game looks like a strange dream where FFFXIV is a mobile game. It looks really interesting. And obviously really well made. But I’m worried what new aspect this is going to bring. Because, why would I play this mobile game when I can play the actual game? If it’s the same story, same fights and looks the same, why would I play it?
I am very excited for this!! I wanted to play ffxiv on my phone for so damn long and now…. i can play this and create my awesome character for this version also. I dont know about you guys, but as soon as this launches in America, i will be playing day one and i will be playing for HOURS per day just to rush to end game. My favorite thing is to max level every single class for my character and farming crafts to farm gil on the marketplace. I bet retainers will be a microtransactions, just like the main game. Im fine with that too, so long as they allow us to color our outfits with metallic blue and silver, im set. Whm main here…. and i cant wait to play with you guys!!
Meoni, you can see the movement thumbstick areas on the left, right of the chocobo button. Its more visible with dark backgrounds. Its small so I don't think it animates what direction you're pressing cause it would fully be under your left thumb.
Can I just stay in Limsa and craft? Using my main account? Or do I have to make a new account separately for this thing?