WoW WoD VS FFXIV EW: Time Travel done right | Through the eyes of a WoW Veteran

Here we have two exapsions in two different mmos that revolve around the concept of time/space travel. Even though the comparion is not 100% direct – and not the focus of this video – we can see where one fails and where one succeeds. Where did WoD fair? Where did EW succeed? What caused this great differentiation where WoD was TRASHED by the WoW community while EW (Elpis) was glorified by the FFXIV community? I do my best to explain.

Do you want to know what a 14yo WoW Veteran thinks of FFXIV? Check out this video:–F6zwh4Lw

Do you wanna know about THE BEST FFXIV EXPANSION? Click the jebait:

Check out my VERY FIRST IMPRESSION of Endwalker:
(Oh yes, much has changed since then!)

BTW, YOU! Hey you! I am currently ENDWALKING on my twitch! Come and be part of the journey!

Intro: 0:00
Disclaimer: 0:14
Confession: 0:33
Analysis: 0:57
Warlords of Draenor: 1:47
Final Fantasy XIV – Elidibus: 3:08
Going Deeper: 6:08
A Difficult Choice: 7:47
Elpis through the eys of a Greek: 11:22
Hydaelyn: 15:28
My SECOND Impression of Endwalker: 16:24
The First Three Zones: 16:45
Garlemald: 17:45
The Moon: 19:12
What I like about Endwalker: 19:53
Character Development: 20:30
Pray Return to the First: 21:04
Pray Return to the PAST: 22:53
Surrounded by life, yet death. Darkness, yet light: 23:07
My dream: 24:54
Morally Grey: 26:42
Predictions and Speculations: 27:27
Addressing the Chat: 30:39
Endwalker VS All: 35:40
Too much content? 40:46
Endwalker: THE FINAL VERDICT: 41:48
The Chat YOINKS: 42:18
FFXIV Stands out: 42:44
The Cherry on top of the cherry on top: 43:22
Outro: 47:19


8 thoughts on “WoW WoD VS FFXIV EW: Time Travel done right | Through the eyes of a WoW Veteran”

  1. Like someone mentioned in your chat, channels like @SynodicScribe and the FFXIV team at @GamerEscape would probably love to hear your reaction to and understanding of Elpis as a native Greek-speaker. 💙

  2. Whenever I see people referring to Venat as "mommy" makes feel that everyone had some kind of "mom issues". When I saw her I was sort of surprised to see her there in Elpis, but I didn't go nuts and scream "mommy!" like, 99% of the people I have seen. XD

  3. A very simple answer.

    Time travel in WoW was an attempt to 'change' the past.

    Time travel in XIV was a way to provide context on the current events of the game, without being able to change the past.

    I liked WoD. But storywise it was just a way to retcon the game and they failed.


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