FFXIV: Just Play the Job You Want to Play

It’s a reminder I felt some people needed to hear, with some easy take downs of some very dumb arguments.

I did want to make a final, proper guide before DT came out but irl events have forced my hand.

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#FFXIV #dawntrail #job


43 thoughts on “FFXIV: Just Play the Job You Want to Play”

  1. I've been meaning to play 6 for quite some time, I really need to get around to it.
    But as you point out, the idea that some people are saying "Pictomancer doesn't fit in this game!" clearly haven't been paying attention at all. Not only to the series in general, but also FFXIV specifically. You give plenty of examples.
    Now if you'll excuse me I need to dress up by catboy in a maid dress and bunny ears while I play Paladin in the current Extremes before DT releases.

  2. Waiting for all the people who say they’ll ban Pictomancers from their parties to pick Viper, perform like shit, get kicked repeatedly, and complain they are being oppressed.

  3. Weather or not it fits or not in terms of lore, the animations dont fit, they are far to colorful bright and look like they are genshin graphics. I played ff 1 when it released and every ff since I've been around a while. Luckily you can set animations to limited, just hope pictomancer shit gets hidden.

  4. This video. THIS. FUCKING. VIDEO. THANK YOU. Its been EXTREMELY annoying seeing people talking shit about Pictomancer being too childish despite the fact that, as you said it, is VERY FITTING for FFXIV. I'm maining this job purely to spite people, and if I get another person complaining to me about Pictomancer, I'm linking them this video and telling them to cope.

  5. THANK YOU. The gatekeeping and downright meanness over completely dumb things in XIV's community is extremely tiresome. It sounds like so much effort to be a joyless person insulting people who don't fit in with this oddly narrow notion of what this MMO is. Some people have their whole identities and such wrapped up in this game and their job and it's so WEIRD.
    Signed, an unapologetic DNC main and soon-to-be PCT.

  6. Anyone who calls dragoon players stupid is… hilarious. It's probably the hardest melee DPS to not fall off with.

    Monk has a slightly more difficult rotation to figure out, but has clear and obvious burst windows with high potency and minimal weaving. It's also flexible and easier to fix mistakes with high skill speed.
    Ninja has a pretty busy opener/reopener, and easy 1-2-3 filler in between.
    I don't think anyone would deny that reaper was designed to be an approachable and simple class with very simple gauge management and planning compared to the rest of the melee DPS.
    Samurai may be difficult to play optimally, but even played at 80% mastery, it will likely outdamage the other classes playing perfectly. It's also decently flexible.

    Dragoon, with its current eye management, has WAY more spend vs. save mechanics to it than the other classes, especially for hard content or anything with downtime. Having to plan your eyes ahead and the sheer amount of things you NEED to weave in a buff window–lest you drop to doing less damage than the dancer–makes dragoon an interesting class. The fact that dragoon's most powerful raw hit is an ability (so no guaranteed crit) and a measly 620 potency should tell you all you need to know. It's also easily tied with monk for having the best rotation between bursts. Dragoon constantly feels like you're planning ahead to get multiple rolling cooldowns to line up again when there's downtime.

    If anyone tells me dragoon is an easy class, I just assume they're not very good at the game. Dawntrail looks like it will keep the busy feel of dragoon while simplifying it a lot (i.e. if you have 20 seconds, you are guaranteed to get your full burst out, requiring no planning or buildup).

  7. Honestly I can’t wait to get my hands on the two new jobs. Sure because I’m leveling all jobs but because both look fun. I understand the fundamentals of pictomancer and I’m willing to give it a shake or three. I see how simple viper is and I love me the jobs that let me turn my brain off. I love me Relm. I love me Zidane/Gabranth.

    So it does baffle me that some people will just crap all over a new job without even touching it.

    “It doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the game.”

    Says the monkey nuts who keeps begging for Blue Mage to be an actual job and killing all of its uniqueness.

    In a new expansion that looks to be full of color and darkness you’re complaining that is has color?

    I don’t get that argument. I don’t get these people. Im dressed as Vaas for my Warrior and Master Chief as my Machinist. I have an elephant head for my white mage and black mage. All while I’m a big lion dude.

    This is a game where you can dress up whatever you want so long as you set your mind to it and the costumes carry over into cutscenes. And people are complaining about a job looking too silly in a game where you can run around in your skinnies doing the highest damage possible.


  8. I truly dislike the pictomancer aethestic, but what a weird take to refuse to group with people who play it. Ditto for Seraphism. Honestly, these are people who have serious personal issues, and I encourage you and everyone else to just ignore them. L on their forehead, etc.

  9. dude its always the people that dont know what final fantasy is all about trying to say what is and isnt final fantasy LOL. just goes to show they dont play any other games aside from ffxiv.

    play whatever job you like! be bad at the game (as long as youre trying its ok to be bad)! have fun!

    this community is so damn childish all the time.

  10. For me as a casual raider the blm and picto drama is just… why? Then I started hearing all this shit about healers boycotting and I'm just confused as to why people care so much? So what if that dragoon can do a bit more self healing, or that monk? Warriors can solo most things synced if they wanted to, I have done it myself a number of times preventing from having to restart a boss fight when the rest of the party wipes… the way I see the added heals on other jobs is more chances to save a pull, and less stress on healers when DT will likely introduce brutal fights given they buffed so many job actions.

  11. Reaper was already the exact job I was hoping for, a scythe melee and/or a "demon hunter" melee, got both
    But what I truly wanted, for the second scouting, was a dual sword wielder or a twinblade wielder
    The fact that I'm actually getting what I wanted, both of what I wanted, and it's fast and hits hard and looks stylish as fuck while doing it, is the icing on an already platinum cake
    I cannot fucking wait to get my hands on Viper, and it will be my forever job

  12. as someone who has never played another ff game the only thing that hurts my aesthetic sensibilities in this game is the lalafels. they are disgusting. i wish there was a kick emote in game so that i can have my peace of mind when i meet some.

  13. Yes, the game where things like Porxies, Nanazu, Moogles, and MULTIPLE funny compilations exist clearly isn't deserving of Pictomancer. We truly do not deserve this BEAUTIFUL and artistic job. Seriously, there is no problem with it and it holds significance for a staple of FF and hopefully will make more appearances later on.

  14. "Pictomancer doesn't fit the series so much that I can't have it in my party" – ah, yes, I understand, you don't have party spell effects off and will die to every mechanic because you can't see the screen.

  15. What people need to do is play more of the final fantasy series, Pictomancer doesn't fit? Play final fantasy VI, final fantasy is super serious play final fantasy V one of the most high tier in terms of power level, but silliest games every made. It's serious and hilarious.

    P.S: Also i don't think Dragoon is busy, but to each their own.

  16. If people tolerate Krile being considered one of Eorzea’s scholarly elite while attending lectures wearing a rain coat with cat ears, then they sure as hell can tolerate Pictomancer.

    And anything to incorporate more concepts from the best Final Fantasy game ever, I’m down.

  17. I still feel that specifically among all the current jobs, PCT doesn't fit.I would have preffered if for example there were a bit more badass stuff thrown in like a behemoth or something… buuuuut that's just my opinion, I can't understand why people would go and act like weirdos over that.

  18. People are advocating to gatekeep Picto players out of their groups because they dont like the goofy, cartoony, colorful aspect of the job…?

    Some insecure former wow players need therapy.

  19. You have to be a special kind of sad nerd to exclude a job from content because you don't like it. It was rampant in FFXI where only a handful of jobs can do content, lots of edgelord weirdos back then.

  20. Oh, there is people going on that it's too silly? This argument again against levity?

    Lol, fuck man. BERSERK of all fucking things has levity in it. Puck existed specifically to be a pressure valve so it wasn't pure depression and edge Olympics. Puck was seen as mandatory for Miura's own mental health to write the series.

    Any time this shit argument shows up this is my rebuttal.

  21. 5:25 "Have you seen the artifact gear? You look like a giant dork!" But… but I like looking like a dork… 🥺 (Please ignore how I haven't worn scholar job gear in ages and usually go for the general study nerd topic with other means. 😄) Guess we're just so opposed to wearing a blanket-dress-thingy because almost all healer gear is a whm robe and all caster gear a whm robe dyed black, making both arcanist jobs hard to glam. Screaming at being forced to wear a fancy fantasy dress is a reflex by now…
    Jokes aside, I fully agree people shouldn't harass others over it. First I got memed at because I played the cluttered and clunky Shb SMN and then EW drops and people belittle my favourite job and my skills playing them because "it's braindead anyway". I certainly left a lot of criticism about both scholar and summoner in the forum, and a bunch of other things, but I wouldn't insult people for playing them, or any other job. Wtf.

    Also, I feel every "pictomancer is older than many people criticising it" comment made me age by 10 years. xD

  22. Man, I get expansions always get a bunch of people losing their heads but I'm so baffled to see it all the same. I personally dont like the aesthetic and audio sound or pictomancer but whats the point about being a hater against people who will play it? Whats the point of locking it out of content? There isnt any… Ff is ever and will ever be a mix of heavy themes and the bizzare. Live and let live, and raise the stink when theres legit something misfiring, like poor mp regeneration, rng misfires keeping a class from being brought to raids or what have you. And get that people will like something different than you might. Not everyone wants to slap moogles or dance with lopporits like you might … I know, rehash of whats already been said. Lots of words to say I agree but yeah

  23. People that say Pictomancer doesn't fit the game don't realize that settings with techniques that make you draw cartoony looking things into life already exist and have existed before. It's literally a classic idea. These people probably also think that Lalas don't fit the game either because they look dumb and childish and take away the experience.


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