FFXIV 6.5 Reactions Part 2: Facing the Mirror


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7 thoughts on “FFXIV 6.5 Reactions Part 2: Facing the Mirror”

  1. Imagine the other characters' perspective in the Amh Araeng scene. They just see Zero standing there stoically one second, then the moment they turn around, "I will not succumb! Not to Darkness! Nor to Light!"

  2. I'm surprised the other extra dialogue that comes from doing Eden raids wasn't shown. But if it was to avoid spoilers for the viewers who haven't done it, that's understandable 😀

  3. I've been saying it since we had to leave her in the first place: Ryne is, and always shall be, a Scion – even if she's literally a world apart. I too wish we could've brought her with us, for even a little while. I recognize her place is on the First, to help guide and further save it, but even so…! >.<

    I continued to say it from the moment we brought her to the Source: Zero's character development has been amazing, and I've just grown to love her all the more for it. <3

    Also, I am le disappointed in all three of you. All this talk of a 'stinky cloud' over the crater, and yet once an opening is created, none of you thought to call it a 'butthole'? ;P

    VERY antsy for the next two reactions! <3


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