FFXIV Gil Making: Make MILLIONS Without the Marketboard (Endwalker 6.05)

Hey there guys, coming at you with another FFXIV Gil Making Guide, this time it’s a way to make millions without the Marketboard for Endwalker Patch 6.05

Here’s the macro I discussed in the video (Huge credit to Ashe10)

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19 thoughts on “FFXIV Gil Making: Make MILLIONS Without the Marketboard (Endwalker 6.05)”

  1. I use the market board but I do it while leveling jobs through fates and then just spend my gemstones and sell them on the board. It's a win win get xp even if it's slow but def make Gil in the process

  2. Man I have been waiting for something like this. The MB on Balmung is a lost cause. I mean it is utterly dead. So I worked my butt off to get omnicrafter, and it will be nice to have something to do with all my crafters

  3. Have done this the other week and just waiting for my leves to be full again. It's a good way to consistently earn gil. The total amount might be lesser than the old coffee biscuits but it's still a sure million gil every two weeks.

  4. the bufffood is pronounced tsai tu vunú, tsai pronounced as chai only the ts is like the sound you hear when water vapourizes on a hot stove so basically like its written.

  5. I've been waiting the last few weeks for the game to go back up for sale and I've been watching your videos to prepare to get the game and see what stuff is available and just wanted to say you have some great content and your videos are very informative and make me excited to finally get to play some FF.

  6. I don't have a passive money maker but I do have a money saver some people can take advantage of. Level Blue Mage. You don't need to like dive all the way in, but if you can get it leveled and get even a basic spell selection which I found pretty easy solo, you can do Masked Carnivale for allied seals and buy Aetheryte tickets solo. You get around 120 a week doing that which can save you a ton of money. Even if you only use them on teleports that cost you minimum 1k gill that's still 120k gil you don't waste. I have my teleport threshold set to pop them at 350 (was 500 till my FC started running reduced rates) and I'm consistently seeing my gil go up just from doing my roulettes and beast tribe quests just because I'm not throwing it all away moving from place to place. Wesk Alber's guide is super good for solo leveling and he points out good spells to get along the way, but if you can get 1 person to help you, you can cheese out the levels inside of an hour or two for another option.

  7. Yeah, i resorted to Leves too. Doing Fates for the 70-90 Zones and buy valuable Mats (very few at a time to not sit on a ton if the market crashes), buy valuable Mats from various Vendors and sell them one at a time. Oh and if i'm bored, i buy Stuff (mostly Materia, Pets and such) under NPC-Sell Price and sell them to a vendor. There are a lot of items on my server that are listed way below what a vendor would give you. Oh, and i do farm crystals, that sell well.

  8. I don't care if a niche I have blows up. Most of the time, I'm just making a ridiculous amount of gil from items that are insanely easy to get but for "older" content so not many of the current playerbase is getting or selling them. Some of the white script gatherer items on my server are going for insane prices.

    If the market crashes, whatever. I already made gil and it was just people being lazy and the lack of supply that made the price so good.

  9. Venture squadrons loop.
    You send your retainers out on quickies.
    Turn in all gear you obtain.
    Use those seals to buy more ventures and to send out your squadron.

    Now here's the thing: ignore the manual missions unless you can max that mission.

    We are looking for either max synergies or just easy out stating missions.

    With maxed synergies you are going to trigger your squad mates skill 100%.
    This is ideal.
    But just being able to complete 100% a mission is better than a gamble.
    You'll also want the following skills in some order:
    Scrips(both ideally but I find the gather ones better since I don't care for gathering collectibles)

    Clusters(use them or sell them, w/e)

    Materia( it mostly Maxes at 5s but I still get the odd 5 worth something for me like cps for overmelding)

    Seals( this one is critical, it reinforces the loop)

    Once you've got atleast 1 scrip and 1 seals synergies run those two and then sub in others as needed.

    It's a rather nice passive loop due to the fact you set it for like 18 hours and then just need to look in on it once a day honestly.

    It is rather intense to get started honestly but it's an OK passive rig when up and running and since se seems to not be updating it anytime soon it'll be a done set up once you are.

    Anyway have fun stay safe

  10. Its crazy whats going on with the market board right now… Ye the 6.05 combat gear is dirt cheap by now but my god everything is worth nothing anymore. maps dropping from consistent 60k to 10-15k and materia prices going in half or even further. combat IX materia just going for 1k. I was doing materia combining but even if I buy 5 materia IX for 500gil i might just lose money its so bad xD I've made about 100mil since endwalker release mostly through gathering and spiritbonding but that feels really bad rn

  11. I like your video's, they are very helpfull. But I'm not sure if you know what the word Passive means :')

    Running around gathering materials Crafting items and doing leves is not Passive at all xD

  12. bad suggestion, over all cooking leves are not good. They have too many intermediary crafts you will have to do which takes more time. Which costs crystals, eating profit. What you should be doing is the 84 and 86 alchemist 3s leves, they have no intermediary crafts, cheaper, more profit.


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