Quazii gets labelled a “FFXIV Shill” for his WoW Dragonflight Alpha Access.
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#quazii #ffxiv #dragonflight alpha
Just ignore the trolls they tend to disappear when you don't acknowledge them you do you mayn. Your content is good 👍 👌
Man, man, man.
WoW community never ceases to amaze me, but holy hell does it make me laugh. Lol. I'm so glad my wife and I aren't like this.
There's someone on that thread who advertised "Tales of the Lychee King." So congrats for getting a shill of your own!
"love and care" from wow community?
I liked the "If you decide to go scorched earth on this game and it's community, you don't deserve it's love and care" bit. After years of Blizzard going scorched earth on its employees and community. That's textbook Stockholm syndrome.
Wait this is on the WoW reddit? Holy shit
WoW is sooo bad atm I am goofing around in LotRO…
The game tribalism that was spawned from WoW's slump, or at least became more obvious, is so annoying and tiresome. People seem to feel that there is some kind of rule that only one game can be 'the one' and playing any 'enemy games' makes you a traitor. It gets old really quick.
To some extent I can understand the source of it. People become invested in MMOs, and sometimes to an unhealthy degree. It becomes a core part of their life. I even reached that stage myself with WoW when I was younger. Thus when it looks like it is in decline or has a rival that they feel 'threatens' it they can get very hateful.
End of the day, games are for enjoyment and the healthy way of consuming them is to play what appeals to you. I hope that Dragonflight does well. It certianly seems to be getting pretty positive comments so far over all. Personally I won't be playing it, but that is more due to how much of a time investment WoW has always been and honestly the gameplay these days doesn't appeal to me enough to pass up the chance to play other games on my radar instead. This decision however is entirely subjective which is how it should be.
"We exiled ___".
Man, the ego of such a statement.
I don't think they were exiled by WoW addicts. As time goes on, people grew tired of the same, Blizzard's awful choices burned down it's players. What love? What care? They are addicted, mentally ill, the few of them that managed to adapt through these changes did so because they are addicted, not because they truly liked it
But… Quazi… You guys didn't just play FF. You guys played a variety of games. I don't understand that post lol.
So when we say there is tribalism in WoW and has toxicity, this is why. You are exiled if you go and play another game? Bunch of man babies
Wtf is WRONG with these people? "We exiled you?" / "They don't deserve to come back" / "scorched earth"???
Noone talks of Actiblizz' work environment anymore or that Bobby K. recently was confirmed on the leader board for another year, everybody is "hyped" for this new xpac and that's for me hard to understand. Shilling for another game, really? I would call it overcoming an unhealthy addiction.
Personally I agree with Josh Strife Hayes, as he was asked why he will not play Dragonflight: "Because I refuse to give that company anymore money."
Edit: Imagine meeting this person ingame – must be real fun in raids or mythic+ … 😂
blizz made wow not fun. it's as simple as that. if you want things to change, you gotta give "feedback". which can be anything.
"love and care in the wow community" what a great joke. 13 years in that shit hole and rarely did I encounter nice people. Even guilds had people I couldn't stand because they were assholes
It might be a weird request, but do you think you could do a video explaining WoW core experience from a FF XIV player perspective?
As someone who never touched the game, well 30 days at vanilla when it launched a long time ago, it's difficult to get an objective idea of what exactly WoW offers today.
Something like how do you level, dungeons, story progressions, craft, gearing, raid, trials (?), what having a single job on a character implies and so on.
The only universal positive thing I keep hearing is the equivalent of the glamour system but otherwise people are very polarized about the game.
Hearing that mods are kind of required/expected instead of learning a fight, is it true for example?
Is the trinity system a lot different ?
With a lot of FF players being a bit on a time-off once they clear the current savage tier and waiting for the next big patch, it could be interesting to have that kind of information before trying a new game. Granted I must be in the minority having not played WoW.
Anyway, thanks for your great content as usual 🙂
So if Blizzard wasn’t bias to content creators and just be fair to have the various content creators test the Beta regardless this wouldn’t be the sentiment of some player feedback. It’s all Blizzard fault for not deciding to invite Preach, whether he decides or not to play test the invite.
This is what you would call a tribal Andy. You want to avoid these creatures at all cost. They are miserable in their life and their only life goal is to spread that to everything in their reach.
Exiled from dishwashing, the horror.
cults are fun
Some people should really go out. Visit a beach, a forest, a mountain or somewhere else.
You might learn something if you go outside your walls of your home. The same thing goes for games, there's a lot of different games to play, Elden Ring, Animal Crossing, Minecraft, and such.
that was a post, with the same level of stupidity as FF XIV players, complaining about "wow refugees" 😂 Grass touching strongly recommended
true brother , preach played a game for 6 months, main game and 4 expansions , just to take a shit on blizz
How much did YoshiP pay you to quit WoW??
I think that's another honeybadger account lmao
You didn't get Alpha, they gave it to S. Jastice.
Let's Shillax
The phrases "love and care" and "WoW and Blizz" being in the same sentence feels so wrong.
I don't think I've seen anyone say "pwn" since like 2010.
Either way whether or not ex-WoW content creators and players flocked to FFXIV to spite Blizzard, here's the thing these people need to actually focus on…. Many of them Stayed. They could've went back to WoW. Could've went to other MMOs. Could've said screw MMOs in general and just drop the whole genre. But instead, these particular people stayed because they realized FFXIV was alot more enjoyable than what the WoW "hivemind" was telling them.
All this said, while there are people on all sides being toxic about what others are enjoying, these particular people are minimal. They're just screaming into the void. I can only speak for myself, but I don't care what anyone's playing. If they're having fun, then who am I to argue with them? I hate Fortnite and battle royales in general, but people are enjoying them. Am I going to insult them for it? No. I'm gonna go play what I want to play. A much simpler, less stressful solution if you ask me.
As for these people using the word "shill" incorrectly as per usual – using their derogatory words as content is the best checkmate you could ever do, so good on you for doing it.
gaming communitys are a joke now
The only thing i read in those reddit comments is "Uuuuh why did those content creators get alpha access but i didn't? Don't they know I've been sucking Bobbys balls like a good customer all the time through BfA and SL? All they've done is talk bad about WoW!" Do those people have any working brain cells at all? People left WoW for a very good reason, it has been discussed time and time again over the past few years, but also people will return if Blizz actually works on the issues but for that they have to deliver something real good. I don't have alpha access myself, but from what I've seen so far it looks somewhat promising to be at least better than current WoW.
this sort of thing has been festering, bubbling up beneath the surface waiting for this moment that not everyone treating the next expansion as the second coming of christ. they had it in their heads that it was only shadowlands that people were upset with and were just petulant children stamping their feet and having a temper tantrum by going to play other games. "Youll be back, you always come back" was the mantra chanted on the wind. Then we have an expansion reveal that is very underwhelming, and an alpha that doesnt impress. Now the pitchforks and torches come out in force.
That post was made by a dude named Quantum, i kinda see a pattern there….
Pyromancer’s all for nothing rant is amazing cringe material.
-Why is everyone leaving WoW? Am I so out of touch?
-No! They just want to spite its community!
I haven't heard the words wow and love and care in the same sentence unironically for a long time
You are in good company. Apparently, Asmongold and Bellular are paid Blizzard shills too. The twitterverse and redditverse are cancer in general.
I thought you were very respectful to WoW and the time you spent there when you first "left". I remember you finding that tree and sitting your character there while you described what you didn't like and what you hope the game becomes again someday.
Great community,that “exiles” people For having opinions,can’t understand why wow players have the reputation of being toxic,probably shill propaganda.
It's so crazy how people are so fanatical for Blizzard that they don't care how bad things have been there. That they will hate people just for playing other games. It's so ridiculous. I still play WoW but I am not blinded just because a new expansion was announced. I do not rush back to them "with open arms" after they have let us down so many times. You did not let anyone down. Love your content man!
6:23 Preach said exact same thing. He also said how he is much happier now than he was before. I guess thats comparable to your changes too.
0:28 "they dont deserve its love and care" wait…what love and care i dont remember the wow devs ever doing something like that in the last decade
1:01 (at the bottom) Lesser MMO
8:41 that comment at the bottom is quite true
My god, the (remaining) wow addicts have only gotten worse as time went on, back before WoD they were regular people, but as WoW kept taking more hits, their personality started being replaced by the game, more and more rooting itself and taking any attack towards the game as a personal one.
Like gollum with the one ring, these is what these people have become, truly pitiful
When I left WoW I didn't go directly to FFXIV. Yet most of the WoW community that did take their vacation did in masse go to New World and/or FFXIV because that was the only thing they were willing to give a chance due to a mix of graphical fidelity and "gameplay". FFXIV was also given a chance due to Rich and the things that where told to him by WoW devs that gave up on WoW as he claims as well as the overall positive outcome. I'm not talking about just the money and the viewer boost but just a general enjoyment of the overall process of creating content in an enjoyable atmosphere.
Yet FFXIV isn't the only MMO capable of this it's a mixture of the game and community. WoW has lost that to such a degree that people are seeking it elsewhere. Even tho they tried to have new world be that experience they got from FFXIV a new MMO can't replicate at launch what an MMO like FFXIV has cultivated over 3 expansions. There exists other older MMO's such as SWTOR but again SWTOR isn't an MMO that cultivate that enjoyment to the product even in a bubble.
I could talk about the other MMO's such as TERA, City of Heroes, DCO, Wildstar, PSO. Yet that's beyond the point.
WoW isn't "losing" it is seeing a "decline". The fanbase will also be strong and addicted to WoW and that's why it will always be a truth that WoW is the only one that can defeat WoW. It's why the fanbase will also be adamant that a patch or an expansion will save it despite it being a repeated notion for over 5 expansions and to me dragonflight wont be the exception since it doesn't address the core of the grievances the game has.
That's why I'll continue to laugh at these dragonflight alpha impressions that are positive because of course they will be. WoW has never had a problem with gameplay. WoW is consider the have the most "fluid" combat system. The only "gameplay" problem WoW has is the fixation of metas and their inability to have balance. Which you wont see in the alpha impressions video cause ain't none of these people getting into the alpha gonna spend their time comparing builds.
Yet other questionable systems they can't really address like the crafting but what they already talked about and showcased was nothing but end-game gearing. Which doesn't address the problem with crafting just making it more end-game viable. Regardless the drama around all of this is hilarious. So thank you.
it baffles my mind people like this even exist. what kind of loyalty does this person think it is for someone like me who has been in FFXIV for 8 years gets from SE? nothing. The only reason I hype 14 is NOT because of SE interest but because of people who WORK for it. Yoshi P and his team PROVE to be gamers like the rest of us, having minded people doing the same fun content as you makes the game fun.
Also if let's say Yoshi p left? Do you think I will stick around 14? No, My loyalty is only to him, not the company. lol. besides you are 100% entitle to try things, that's what content creators do…they create CONTENT lol.
This is tribalism to a stupid extreme.
People wouldn't of jumped ship to begin with if Blizzard gave a shit. I am usually the first person to leave a game when it gets crap and the first person to arrive when a game gets good. I left WoW slightly over a decade ago, because I knew it was going to go downhill, I didn't even stick around for Mists of Pandaria, I already had enough. As someone who played since 2004, the game had by that point already changed enough for me to no longer enjoy it. I got into FFXIV right at the start of it getting good, which was the launch of Stormblood. All it took was my playing some of the trials at a booth at a convention to convince me to jump on board and start paying for a monthly subscription MMO again after years of refusing to play MMOs with subscriptions. I did try the 2 week free trial of FFXIV back in 2015 when Heavensward launched, but decided not to keep playing because despite feeling it was a good game after levelling up to 30, I still didn't like paying a monthly subscription at the time. After years of playing Warframe and jumping from one disappointing buy to play or free to play MMO to another, I felt FFXIV delivered in every category. Fun raids, fun content outside of raids and had a sizable enough community to feel like a lived in world; A friendly, social and active community too, one which wasn't constantly trying to double cross you like in EVE Online or full of creeps and people with issues I had to tread on eggshells around like in free2play games.
Lol, "WoW" with "love and care"…. hahahahahah. Is he serious? Is he okay?