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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
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Whuuuaaaat? There is more than one kind of basement dungeon???
Only if the devs could supply enough plots for the demand so people can actually participate in housing. But after 5 residential zones & still hundreds of players still wanting private homes. I doubt the devs will ever fix housing.
My erp spending just got more expensive. No reason why.
So we always had a joke in our FC that whenever somebody said something sketchy in chat I would say CAGE. And then we would all laugh. Now we have an actual cage😂
erp bdsm theme.
I predict some cultured RP in our future
Loved the tumbnail! Poor kitty xD
Omg I made the bat joke the other day now we can actually put people in H jail
Aww, it doesnt lock people in or out tho.
Ohhhhh imma use that as a window
finally we can contain the ERPs
I can't wait to use these!!!
I randomly saw this when trying to see where people are supposedly able to buy series 1 rewards. Needless to say, it was quite a surprise, but I'm sure this will be used for many memes and, uh, gposing. wink
Well, it looks like there will be a LOT of very well dressed people in PVP this week.
Is this what Creed’s My Own Prison was about? Were they FFXIV players from the future? 😛
Meoni: "I don't see why they went with Gaol cells.."
Everyone who watches PreachGaming's FFXIV playthroughs: "Oh, Bugger."
Lock them up! lock them up!
They call Wolves Den "Wolves Jail" in Japanese
They have the lawless outfit, so why not have a jail
They gave you prisons because your eRP community is too loud publicly and needs to be 'restricted' by one of your own.
Blue instantly made me think… I want to build a TARDIS!
So we gonna ignore that now people can make a
coughSEX DUNGEON lolIf they lock you up in prison just let me know I'll break you out
ok but… what's the point? i fear the potatoes will be able to slink through those bars, and if we can't keep the potato population contained there's no point in having cages.
"You too can customize — to your heart's desire — the color of your own prison." sounds kinda deep ngl
So, the Era of the Horny Jail is indeed upon us…
It was about time.
Oh Jesus what have they done
I'm sure the eRP community will be grateful for this.
One step closer to the player owned house dungeons of Runescape, where you can drop people through a trap door in your throne room into a pit full of demons or kraken tentacles into hallways full of spiders and skeletons and dragons. Good times.
Omg I already have a few cages made of factory pieces where I keep my cat girl npcs. I also use the dance poles in another setup. This is fantastic!
Meoni ha e you seen in the ite. Preview the items that look like you get by loosing the housing lotery.
This would be a nice spot to actually allow metallic dyes on housing.
Wonder if you could use the walls as a kind of gate in front of indoor gardens. Or clipped into a phasmascape or other items to make the window pane lines.
perfect place for all the lalafell
Omg this remind me back then my friend imprison me I didn't now about the wall thing before >< freaked me out a bit lol cause the oddest thing about it was how calm they were acting compared to their normal self. Fun times xD
Meoni makes a jail cell with a stripper pole. XD
cough I have some of those other dungeons
i feel the gael door should slide open not swing.
This could also work as interior door for a vault as well.
Jail cells are a kinky fetish…I'm sure that didn't factor in.
Tea and biscuits in the jail, I'd stay there.
The blue looks like a Tardis
Wasn't inspired for my basement and then this came out 😀