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#FFXIV #Meoni #ffxivnews
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Still no mention of FemHroth :U
"Scar mig lioney" "Barbariccii" 💀
Oh god i still need to do those Hildabrand quests i totally forgot..
As someone who hasn't played any other FF game than 15, I couldn't care less about referencing older FF games. So long as it doesn't require prior knowledge to enjoy like the fucking Ivalice raids. Only time I've ever skipped cutscenes.
I love the references. I've played bits and pieces all the way back to the first Final Fantasy but the references feel like just that, references. I love original stuff too, but I'm never turning down a Ghost Train or anything either because most of the references if anything, feel adapted to the point that where they came from doesn't matter, it's just kind of neat if you recognize a thing here or there.
I remember when people were freaking out because they were so sure one of the twins were going to die, because something similar happened in a previous FF. I was just sitting here like "That's definitely not going to happen. It doesn't make any sense for them to." People forget the game doesn't take everything from those games, just what makes sense and when it makes sense—like how Azdaja is probably going to be a Shadow Dragon who fights alongside Golbez, or whatever happens in that game.
I honestly don't really care about refrences to old games. I've played 10, 7 and Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts and I just don't care/ In fact, you can almost predict what is going to happen. I don't like how every game has an Ifrit or other Ekions in it. But it isn't just FF games, but many games use the same thing.
I’ve been an enormous FF fan from pretty much the start (yeah I’m that old lol), and now we regularly have story times on Discord where we look up stuff together if I end up catching a reference somewhere