This is just a quick and first iteration of my controller guide for Summoner post Endwalker launch. I’ll be adding to, improving and expanding on this guide in the future but wanted you guys to get your hands on it as soon as possible!
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#ffxiv #summoner #controller
0:00 Introduction
2:00 Getting Started
9:00 Layouts and Rotations
Hiya thanks for this I got online after waiting 2 hours and was completely lost in the summoner. But hopefully now I can work it out.
I'm really loving these changes and have been a summoner main since I started.
This! I was waiting for this!
I'm so lost with the new SMN that I can't figure out how to set my controller up.
Thanks for another great guide!
Thank you so much I logged in and my hot bar was so screwed
Losing our DOTs truly killing this class and pet update. Class is terrible now and not fun to play and are useless endgame now
Thank you so much! Back when I started near the tail end of Stormblood, your SMN controller guide was my go-to for setting up my own controller. Made a few changes for personal preference, but guide was integral to my rotation. With new SMN, I was having some difficulty making the new mirror the old. I think I got it, but I'll see if your layout works better for me. Thanks again for your guides!
EDIT: Yup! Layout is feeling better already!
I'm at work and live this. I'll look through your guides but I need in depth controller setup, adding skills, mounted etc. I'll check this video when I get off of euro, so thank you so much. Oh also I'm super low level like level 32 summoner
Deathflare is unable to be set in the hotbars…what should I use in place of it?
Brian just curious if you know in what order Summoner will come lvling wise that is the one I am most looking forward too
Awesome guide as usual! What I still don't quite grasp is those other icons above your crossbar & to your characters right. Those look like they are super useful.
Was waiting on this lmao i pieced my own layout together but its still a little weird getting use to vs the old summoner
Played with SMN a bit, it feels MUCH better than it did, plus I'm no longer a glorified Afflication Warlock!
Thank you!!! I was waiting for this to drop!!!
why and how do you still have deathflare on your hotbar it's not a pressable action anymore
So glad to be back to summoner, so far my only complaint is summon bahamut/phoenix being affected by spell speed, being 56 seconds instead of 60 causes my energy drain usage to drift thru the rotation which I'm not a fan of but otherwise I'm loving it.
I do have a question with your setup tho, doesn't mirroring it to that degree cause you to use more space then necessary? I personally prefer to mirror my aoe versions of skills "behind" my single targets on the expanded since I don't need to ever know when they're up if they share CD with the single target version. That way I can just have R2+X for ruin and R2+L2 +X for outburst etc.
Of course it's all personal and everyone will feel comfortable in different ways it just seems like a lot of duplicates of skills that only need one spot doing it that way so I'm curious about the reasoning behind it.
Has anyone been able to play? Day 2 and nothing but 2002 errors… finally get in an 8,000 que only to be booted out after an hour or so. Worst MMO launch Iv ever experienced and unacceptable for a billion dollar company in 2021 to have this many server issues.
I haven't played since 2015 I need all the help and support I can get!
Thank you for the Summoner guide. Been really enjoying the new changes for it but was a bit lost on controller setup. Do you have a guide on how you set your UI layout like that? Cause I really like that.
Thanks Brian for this video. I wanted to ask you for a video on summoner . This helps a lot .
Came from a red mage and kinda soiled my pants when i saw the changes to summoner. Thank you for helping me figure this class oit
The change to summoner makes it real fun. But what about the ruby and sapphire carbuncle. Do you use them or just emerald.
how do you get the summon ifrit, garuda, titan on that top section?
Thanks for the guide! It's been really frustrating re-learning a job
Hey Brian, hope you are doing well… What do you think about SMN still using a book as it's weapon? For me, I have never liked it from day 1, but especially now with all the changes, in my opinion it really just looks weird flying up to a monster and wacking it with some knowledge… LoL I would love to see it get updated to something more interesting and ethereal looking along the lines of maybe Sage but with floating elemental shards from the Primals or something like Astrologian with elemental shards instead of cards… What are your thoughts and do you think there is any chance this could ever happen since it would go a long way and finally separating or distancing Summoner from Scholar and making it truly it's own job?
Hey Brian, I feel a little embarassed asking this but I have been playing with controller since ARR beta and I can't seem to figure out why my double tap crossbars only show the face keys and not the dpad. Do you know how to fix this so that i can utillize my full crossbars?
How did you get death flare on the hotbar? It won't let me place it. I'm only a level 57 summoner so I might be missing something
How are you able to move that silver thing? I want to move it but I can't.
Brian I feel silly asking this, but how did you get Death flare on your hotbar? It says I can't add it