[Blue Mage Spells] FFXIV: Divination Rune/Being Mortal – SYNCED The Dancing Plague BLU Solo

Requires 50% echo. Need to last at least 3 minutes (aka right after Ice Mechanic).
You could PROBABLY do it with 40% but I wouldn’t test it. The adds don’t joke around if you’re doing it under these conditions.

You can survive water adds without echo stacks by instead doubling up Diamondback shown at the start of the video. Whenever you have vuln stacks you should move away from Titania during a tankbuster so that you don’t get immediately auto’d to death. I learned that the hard way.

For the latter water adds, you must Diamondback at the latest, when the add autos do a second auto. Otherwise you will die to the fire stack.
Also DO NOT move while swifcasting Diamondback. I learned from dying as well as asking about it (and people telling me) that if you move during the slidecast-able portion of Diamondback it cancels the defensive buff/channel and you WILL die to the fire stack.

For the second phase, your 3 vuln stacks from the exploding adds JUST wear off right before the mechanics reappear. So it means you’ll be having vuln stacks on you for the last part of the fight which makes you NEED to respect the Divination Rune tankbusters.

Yes this was painful. Yes it wasn’t worth it for most people. But I had fun progging it lol.

Alternatively if you don’t want the 100% chance synced solo spell pain but still don’t want to deal with PF, you can unsync it at level 80 and still get the super echo buff along with buffed up gear as shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVcKU2jG3dg

0:00 How to survive water adds without echo stacks
0:36 Titania Phase 1 + Water Adds
3:50 Small Adds
4:30 Big Adds (THE HARD PART)
6:30 Post-Adds Phase
18:00 Spells Get [Divination Rune and Being Mortal]

Doing all spells solo (that I can) and synced (that I can) to guarantee spell learning at the lowest level possible.

Use this link to sort the level in ascending order for both world mobs or duty level.


BLU Spells Solo Playlist:

FFXIV Sidequest Playlist (including BLU content):


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