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#Endwalker #FFXIV #glamour
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#Endwalker #FFXIV #glamour
Coming Soon to the mogstation – This is a Preview. Edit – Hat not wearable by viera
Love the jacket, not sure about the trousers or the marty mcfly boots, might wear it with some leggings or a skirt
Ohhh I can’t wait!!! 😃👍
the male top looks dogwater, I wish we could have gotten one with the same look as the females with a regular shirt in the inside
My only question is can I wear the hat as Vieira
But when is lyse's hair style coming =[
Im place my money on viera cant wear the hat
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Gimme Gimme Gimme ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Isn't this only in Korea
First of all, I love it and want it right now! 😍
Second of all, I'm curious if Viera will be able to wear the head piece or not, I hope so because it looks awesome
Third of all, where is your tail? Does it remove the tail? When I seen the preview it still showed the tail
As a lover of crop tops/ jackets with midriff, I want the female version on my male character lol both look fantastic tho.
This looks like it belongs in a map dungeon. Kinda urks me it's mog station.
Bruh there is a mod that is basically this F jacket but with no white undershirt. It says its a original design but turns out it was yoinked lol
Omg it looks sooo good i cant wait for this to come out!
I'm a wait for the dance battles that will happen in the main cities with color coordinated dance routines, like in movies
it's finally here
nvm just a preview, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK
Are those custom made emotes or actual emotes thay will come as well?
Please tell me whether Male Viera can wear the hat or not?
Is there a date for when this will arrive? I cannot wait to get these!!
This is amazing.
I know what i will buy next xD
I need this NOW
F game cash shops
Now I gotta gander change becsuse I love the female more than that male one ♥️♥️😍😍
Wow, this seems like a really cool item I might have to buy.
what is the song used in the vid?
Plssss SE give my Viera a hat Option
why only show the female dyed set?
My credit card is ready!
Ima need that top for my Choco bun so that outfit is MINE!!
Are these animations made or are they all in game?
The male Miqo'te had his tail, but the female version doesn't have the tail?
"Mogstation" sigh….
the top is awesome..
Do my big sword on my back still be showing wearing this ? I'm new to glamour but interested in buying this one.
Would have never knew this will release without your video ty so much !!
I’m kind angry, I ran to the mogstation to buy this. Thought it was already out 😭🌸
that dance looks awesome with that outfit!
Wait your tail is missing… right or am I crazy?
I thought this was out today, so I was ready to grab my card to purchase. To see that this wasn't available in the west yet saddened me a bit.
I'm kinda sick of all the modern style clothes. I thought this was a fantasy game.
This is great! I've been waiting for exactly something like this!😊
This will be an insta buy :O Thanks for the incredible showcasing Lulu <3
Dayamn Vance look fine.
Why doesn't the Au Ra have a tail?
If the shoes were black air force 1s or chicago 1s I would never wear anything else but this fit.
Garbage as always.