FFXIV Endwalker Reactions: Pandæmonium Anabaseios Finale (Feat. @elibbabats!!)

And so the Pandæmonium series has come to an end… It’s probably my most favorite raid series to date. Gonna miss my boys. :’)

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17 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reactions: Pandæmonium Anabaseios Finale (Feat. @elibbabats!!)”

  1. Hey Raptor time for your unwanted fact of the day: The Final boss of E12 is modeled after a fertility goddess (This is the fact most people know) but what most people don't know is on the fertility goddess the boss is modeled after, those weren't boobs that made up the grape-like upper torso. They were testicles…

    So…. *technically*… We haven't had a boss with dozens of breasts yet.

    And now this fact is trapped in your head forever, like it is in mine :D!


  2. just a reminder – those werent real Erichtonios, Lahabrea and Elidibus, but random souls Athena put the memories of the three in, so the one being rebord isn't Elidibus, but just a random dead character like Valens with Themis's memories on top 😃

  3. Yeah for me this final wing really put Panda above the rest of the raids for me. Decent start, fantastic 2nd and 3rd wing, some of the best music from 4 onwards, great characters, excellent world building and payoff, and while the savages aren't perfect they've generally been memorable and exciting.

    We'll see what DawnTrail brings, but for me between this and the alliance raids Endwalker has indeed slapped. Hoping for the last raid to stick the landing and we'll finally have 2 really really great raids back to back!

  4. Each of the unsundered had their own tragic tale. Lahabrea was too devoted to duty, much like Elidibus. It was tragic that later on the recreated Lahabrea was horrified by his own actions, and yet at the same time admitted he could see why he would take them. Elidibus, well, was just emotionally crushed. The WoL was his hero, just as much as Azem was. He even took the form of the original WoL as a tribute to Azem. So that final battle (5.3), he was fighting a hero of his, who was a sundered version of another hero of his. And once trapped, the WoL used a crystal that his dearest friend Emet-Selch secretly created for Azem. The three people he admired most all stood against him. I cannot even imagine what he went through. This was an amazing raid, and hit all the feels.

  5. I think it’s hilarious how they handled the plot hole of Lahabrea not acknowledging the fact that he knows us in ARR. They didn’t do an emotional memory wipe like with Emet-Selch. Lahabrea remembers everything we did In Pandaemonium, he knows exactly who we are, he just doesn’t give a shit.

  6. After all these scenes in Endwalker, I keep coming up with short monologues for my WoL to say to each of the Ancients – Hydaelyn, Emet, Hythlodaeus…and now Elidibus and Erichthonios. If only our character wasn't so damn QUIET

    But hey, we got to meet Eric again in this life. Who knows? We may meet the others yet again, somewhere out there, in this life or the next.

  7. My biggest complaint with Pandaemonium? I might be the minority here, but I didn't care much for Athena's voice acting… and doing it every week for weapon tokens, it just continually wore me out. By week 4, I just wanted to be done with it so I didn't have to hear 'Shine brilliant for me!' another time. By week 5, I was muting the game's audio for P12 specifically and listening to literally anything else while doing the fight.

    This was made even worse by the fact that I did the fight on TWO characters, to get both of them their weapon tokens.

    Everything else about P12 is alright, just… I cannot bring myself to willingly queue into it anymore, and frankly, if it ever shows up in Normal Raids roulette, I might just dodge. >.>

    But, that's my biggest gripe with Pandaemonium. I otherwise enjoyed the raid series very much, and am glad to see you and everyone else did too. ^^ Thanks for sharing reaction!

  8. I think the underwater scene is Themis being reborn or returning to the aetherial sea. Maybe we will see him in a different form in a future expansion. I'm leaning toward rebirth since he talks about the light which is usually symbolizing rebirth.
    With how time varies between shards I wonder what they might do with his reincarnation.

  9. That last voiced cutscene was the best reward for the entire raid. Emet was a fantastic antagonist but Elidibus hit so close to home on multiple levels it hurt. This was such a satisfying conclusion to his story, so glad it didn’t end at the tower.


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