FFXIV Endwalker Reaction || Ultima Thule || The Walk || Scions || UNCONTROLLABLE UGLY CRYING

GALACTIC LEVELS OF UGLY CRYING HERE. Ugly Crying ONLY. Hope you got your fill! Thank you so much for watching!

0:00:00 – Teaser
0:00:41 – Disclaimer
0:01:00 – Journey Begins
0:05:00 – Thancred
0:16:22 – Estinien
0:27:45 – Hard Times
0:30:19 – Urianger and Y’shtola
0:39:24 – G’raha Tia
0:53:06 – Complete Heartbreak
0:58:03 – Crystaline Path
1:08:33 – Alphinaud and Alisaie
1:15:32 – Endwalker
1:21:36 – Here the Path Ends
1:39:00 – Elibbabats Thonks

💜Watch the Twitch vod in full here:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/elibbabats
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BatswithaBow


36 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reaction || Ultima Thule || The Walk || Scions || UNCONTROLLABLE UGLY CRYING”

  1. leaves some huggies this is and will be hard even if you see it happen to another player … therefor we are the emotional vampires watching you … thank you for playing this emotional rollercoaster of a game called FF14 <3

  2. Even to this day when I go to Ultima Thule to farm, I am greeted with this overwhelming rush of emotions. You can't help but to hum the tunes and think about all those years of adventures.

  3. Best part about the Crystal path part to me was back when i did it and the Expansion was new i kinda broke down and couldn't bare myself to walk faster then RP walk speed. random ppl would just come and hug you and walk with you.
    ofc streamers will still get that now.. but for just random ppl on the journey to get that kind of aid. <3

    Ystola talking about the Summoning i personally thought that was just a specter thing too. but mainly for the Trust system on dungeon and trail after it.

    Also Emet's smile at the end always gets me :')

  4. After losing all the others, with G'raha breaking me almost immediatey..I told myself I wouldn't cry for the Walk. But the second spectre, Haurchefant, made me say fuck it. Spent 15 minutes crying before I could take another step

  5. This is what happens when you read/watch/listen to a good story. You become part of the characters, and when one may die, it makes a little bit of you die too. Don't worry about the tears, the tears mean you're human, you have emotion. It is much better to let those tears out than to bottle them in. That's where the bad things come from. No matter how many times I watch people play through this, it still feels like the first time. I think seeing the same emotions that you felt being expressed creates a… union of sorts.

  6. 53:06
    For me it was after this scene and the vocals came in that was the moment that I lost my composure and just cried. There are very few games that have me tear up (example Asura's Wrath. There's a scene where a small village gets bombed to hell and the female that Asura was trying to protect dies along with eveyone else there. Now the girl looks just like his daughter that he thought was long dead. After seeing her lifeless body Asura went completely berserk.) I literally cried for about 15 to 20 minutes during this part.

  7. This is the one! I was here!
    Everything that happens in UT is one of the most charged "final" sequences in games that I've ever played, even within the Final Fantasy series. Every sacrifice spurring me onward. Every quest title becoming more and more distorted and cryptic. Every shade's voiced line on the final walk, I repeated their names. The appearance of Elpis flowers made me gasp in sheer awe. Beyond this, the final dungeon, trial and instance. It was a MOMENT.
    Now, we're on the cusp of another expansion announcement (because we all know it's coming), and I positively shudder to think what CBU3 has in store for what comes next.

  8. Girl, you are not alone, and you're not a freak. I cried along with you watching this, even though I've seen so many others go through the same story. Most of us went through the exact same emotions in this zone, and we still do every time we see it played out. This zone killed us all, only to bring us back around for a beautiful finale. Genuinely, FF14 went from another MMO I hated 10 years ago to, quite literally, my favorite game I've ever played. I'm so glad you were able to experience it and enjoy it. Welcome to the FF14 community! Even if you move on to other games or endeavors, you're always welcome back.♥

  9. Ah yes this zone had me so upset and almost angry about losing them one all one after the other it wasn’t until the walk that the emotions hit me all at once and broke me. Genuinely can’t wait for what’s next

  10. The whole area of Ultima Thule made you go through the five stages of grief… it attacked you on your most basic level… The good thing is, you added a sixth stage. Rebellion. No matter what it threw at you, no matter who it took from you, you walked on. You overcame every challenge and prevailed.
    That is not an experience easily forgotten.

  11. Seeing our scion friends sacrificing themselves to help us carry on hits me to the core. And the endwalk by hearing the voices of the past really indeed hits me hard. Being in Ultima Thul really does indeed hurts us so. But we never gave up, never looked back and most of all we forged ahead til the end we pray!

  12. I feel weird knowing that most people cried and in my case Endwalker made me feel nothing. Previous expansions did but not Endwalker. I don't know why. I saw things coming from a mile most of the times.


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