He's Always Watching | FFXIV Things You Missed

discord: https://discord.gg/HQNkbqvNdc
Thank you to https://twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!

Music that isn’t FFXIV or specified is from:
BGM:dova-syndrome https://dova-s.jp
SOUND: Otological https://otologic.jp/free/bgm/recent.html

#kougaon #ffxiv


37 thoughts on “He's Always Watching | FFXIV Things You Missed”

  1. Additional fun facts about the Void Ark UFO! It was in the game as soon as 3.0, even though the raid didn’t come out until 3.1, but it was VERY RARE and much farther away and harder to see! It wasn’t until after the raids that it became very common and up close. Still remember multiple times my linkshells or FC would be “I see the ship!” And several of us would journey to the point just to check it out before we had any idea what it could be.

    I knew there was a macro for blacklisting but never actually saw it, so I’ll count that as something I didn’t know! Knew everything else but I’ve been here since 2.0 beta so no surprise there😅

  2. Edda's spots aren't all that rare, it's just that unless you're big on Gridania and moogles, her spawn spots are just out of the way. It'd be like if she spawned in the Chocobo Racing registration area, a true ghost town.

  3. For the echo thing in the chat window, you can macro actions that does dots to have it remind you to reapply it after X seconds , you can add sound effects to it as well, it's very useful for bard

  4. OK, everyone – now, in this instant, right click Kougaon, report RMT! How can you do so even in your own youtube video on your own channel… as a joke… Anyway, SE, this guy here clicks people on Balmung Quicksand, this is unacceptable, not a single decent being should go to Balmung quicksand, ban him immediately!

    Regarding Alliance Raids – did you know that Atomos' in Labyrinth of the Ancients have Enrage timer? They do. But you have to be on Min ilvl or be VERY, VERY bad at game. I mean, 24 people have to not know basic 1-2-3 rotation, tanks have to fail pulling adds, dps have to underdps and healers have to provide no dps and overheal like 60% on median. Then you will see Atomos Enrage. lol. Never saw it in my life tho, people just speedrun the raid normally. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.

    Didn't knew about macro but well, makes sense it's there.
    Well, few things were new to me – like retainers doing their job – I literally never encountered one. For two years. 
    Kinda knew about some commands, echo is pretty good in macros I think.
    Knew about Void Ark in Sea of Clouds but never really paid attention to it in Curning Mists, for me it was a nice little detail, like Newborn Star in Ultima Thule or Prima Vista in Kugane (although, I cannot call Prima Vista small to be honest)
    Will need to ask my friend who never done PotD if he ever saw Edda in cities, since I cleared PotD long ago.
    Pot requesting item is a neat little easter egg, love it.

    Never payed attention to Snowman, but it only supports my "Ysale is secretly Elsa from Frozen" conspiracy theory. It's a very neat theory that Ascians take a character from another world, put them to Eorzea for their secret plans and add Y to their name like Organisation XIII did with people in Kingdom Hearts. I call those people "Yesbodies", only one mystery remains before my theory is fully complete: Who was the original Y'shtola?
    If you see me being dragged into insane asylum, know that that's not an asylum, SE is experimenting on people! Who's that? No! You won't take me alive! We go together! You cannot catch me, you cannot…

    Anyways, quests that give rewards… I mean – entire Scholastice story in Ishgard featuring Inspector Briardien. Entire quest chain that ends giving player emote and inspector's spectacles.
    There was also yellow quest in South Shroud that gives you another minion IIRC.
    There is, in fact, a ton of yellow quests that give you little things, and sometimes those little things are quite rare.

  5. If you're having trouble clicking on Aetherytes from the map (especially behind sidequests and such), you can hold Alt and the Aetherytes will go over other icons and become easier to click.

  6. 7:23 is also a Simpsons reference. If you get close to the Roegadyn you'll get a text bubble that says "Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all" which is a line Flanders says to Homer when out skiiing in one episode, and the line Kawashiga says is also an internal dialogue that Homer has in that episode.

  7. I use some alt key combinations for skills myself, and kept fat fingering the chat binds in the heat of combat and type a giant string of something like "aasdwwwwdssss11111222223333asswwwaadddww" until I realized what I had done, so I went in and removed all those ones.

  8. Here's a fun one, after completing the Omega raid storyline, you can randomly Find Alpha and Mini Omega in specific places across the land.

    Id look up the various places because there's a decent amount.

  9. Alt+S also switches to "say". This is important to remember if you have actions keybinded to Alt+[?] and you try to move with WASD at the same time and end up switching to the chat window mid combat and can't figure out why you can't move or attack.

  10. the /echo thing works with sound effects! super helpful in crafting macros.
    for example, you just put a

    /echo Craft finished <se.6>

    on the bottom line of the macro and it'll do bongos when the macro ends 😀

  11. Maybe already known but in Ala Mhigo Dungeon if you wait a bit in the 1ste boss arena after killing it. Aymeric and a few knights come running past you into the dotted loading line. As far as I know only works if you stay after fight. Don't think it works if you enter then run back again.


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