Hi friends! Here’s a quick video sharing the best dungeons/trials/raids/pvp or w/e the heck you can do to farm the 10th Anniversary Moogle Treasure Trove event. Hope this is helpful! c:
My Hidden Gorge guide: https://youtu.be/m3dULqv7W7c?si=RT-xrC_0SuPGpKlQ
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0:00 – 0:19 Intro
0:20 – 0:58 Hidden Gorge (Rival Wings)
0:59 – 1:18 Aglaia & Euphrosyne
1:19 – 1:49 (Fastest) Pandaemonium Raids/P1N
1:50 – 2:20 What items are you farming for?
The real treasure is you.
(you, the reader)
PvP Is a great tip cause you can farm XP and PvP currency at the same time
I'm probably just going to farm passively with daily MSQ roulettes and weekly P9-12 clears. As far as rewards I'm aiming for, I want to get the Kamuy mounts I'm missing to get the Kyubi mount, and then get some of the other mount rewards if I have time left on the event. Not knowing exactly how long the event will last makes it tough to figure out how much I can farm.
any recommendations over WHAT to farm?
looks like silly but Praetorium is a cool way too…
easy content, lots of cinematics, 14 tome for 20-25 mins play
There actually is a BLU strat this time around in castrum meridianum, but it's not "freeloader" friendly as everyone needs to know how to really play the job and have nearly all their spells. Each run takes about 6-6.5 minutes for 8 tomes if your party is decent, but even if your party kind of sucks it's still faster than other options unless you're taking close to 10 minutes
bluemage farming Castrum Meridianum takes 6 mins and 2 of those mins are a forced cutscene to watch.
Castrum Meridianum on BLU is actually very efficient.
6-7 minute clears including cutscenes for 8 tomes per clear.
Assuming you can get a group of semi-competent BLUs it’s more efficient than Pandaemonium spam.
i have yet to finish ARR (free trial sprout) so i had to farm praetorium all day, can you imagine my pain? :')
but at least i got all the kamuy mounts so i'm gucci when i catch up to stormblood
I didn’t even think of pvp! I’m a low level player, I was going to just run Praetorium until I had poetics clogging my ears so I didn’t have to listen to Gaius anymore
These types of videos are always so helfpul! Thanks for sharing! ❤
I just have all of anabaseios (not p11 bc boring) and aglaia and euphrosyne selected and let jesus take the wheel. I love those raids regardless so I'm happy to run them for the sake of running them while also earning the tomes
Any advice for free trial player?
Time to get back in the Robot.
Been doing quite few P1N and overall that feels pretty good to run with 7 dps 1 tank.
If i'll have time i just grind 1 of each things i don't have yet
im really gonna go HARD with farming! i want the fat cat umbrella, emotes, like, 2 or 3 mounts, partitions, orchestrions and some more.