FFXIV Endwalker – Old Sharlayan Day Theme (With City Scenery)

Enjoy the beautiful city of Old Sharlayan during daytime.

Watch her playing tourist in Radz-at-Han here:

Listen Old Sharlayan Night Theme (Accoustic Version) here:

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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2021 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


18 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – Old Sharlayan Day Theme (With City Scenery)”

  1. Louisoix Leveilleur was truly a great man. I want to live by his ideals and Sharlayans ideals "Instead of war and fighting each other, seek to gather the knowledge of the world to raise yourself and your compatriots to a higher standard of living." Sharlayan is Number 1, Uldah is second.

  2. This song is so beautifully nuanced in a way that makes it difficult to forget, from the opening guitar and hand drums to the mandolin, violin and reed pipes, then a piano that culminates in the singing. I thought it wasn't possible for a track to beat the night theme of the Crystarium, but here I am proven wrong.

  3. So, if I understand the lore right, most of Eorezea is illiterate. That's right, no formal education system. Meanwhile, Sharlayan educates its people as a citizen right and offers a wide range of fields, accepting people from every walk of life and corner of the world, as long as they simply wish to learn. Who would want to join a war that looks like it could well be lost? Especially if you abhor violence and praise knowledge. Even without knowing their true goals, it makes sense why they stayed outside.

  4. SPOILERS!!!

    This music is solely based on Venat’s theme and it really fits the story which portrays Sharlayan as a testament and extension of Venat’s love for Etheirys and its people!

  5. I think one reason why FFXI left such a nostalgic feeling in people,—so much so that they talk about the game 20 years later—is because the music was so well aligned with the game. Whether it was relaxing in rich town Jeuno, fishing in Selbina, hunting bunnies (and getting killed by cute bunnies) in West Ranfoure—the music and ambience play to the mood of the task. Endwalker feels very much like FFXI in that aspect.

  6. As a twist of Irony, It's quite funny that Flow's motif is playing in Old Sharlayan


    because underneath the Island is literally where the closest entrypoint to the Mothercrystal and Hydaelyn is located.


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