FFXIV Endwalker Levels 80 to 83 Impressions So Far

Chris talks with Brian about his Endwalker Experience so far, and his thoughts and theories about the story, characters, and world. This video gets very heavy towards the end.
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20 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Levels 80 to 83 Impressions So Far”

  1. Lol that's short should of went to level 85 but it's good to see you guys going at it and that's nice Brian beating Quewalker. I already beat the story and not only that but did all the sidequests too.

  2. It started off great but around level 84 it lost all momentum for me and I haven't had any desire to continue. Along with that and the atrocious servers and queues the expansion launch was a massive flop. Gonna just wait until the last patch comes out and just plow through the msq then.

  3. Another angle to consider on not only the suicide but on the Garlemald arc as a whole is that this is essentially an allegory for Japan at the end of the second world war. This is being written and designed by people who had family that were there. Many thousands of Japanese civilians took their lives when the Americans showed up. In Saipan, 4,000 Japanese soldiers banzai charged to their deaths. Mothers jumped from cliffs clutching infants. If anyone has the perspective to tell a story like this it's them.

    It shouldn't have had a trigger warning in the game because there isn't one in life. You're supposed to be triggered. It would be more disturbing if it happened and you were ok with it.

  4. That scene in the train station was pretty rough. I feel that some kind of inclusion of suicide in the ESRP / PEGI rating would have been a wise choice. The mention of violence may not be specific enough. Perhaps the inclusion of some suicide prevention information directly after the scene would have been appropriate as well.

    I don’t think that a warning before hand is warranted however. As passionate as the FFXIV community is about spoilers, telling us that someone is about to commit suicide before it plays out would not be well received, in my opinion. I applaud SE for highlighting this problem that plagues veterans of war in the real world. It was a bold decision that I am sure was thoroughly discussed.

    And I would like to thank WTG for including the suicide prevention hotline in their discussion.

  5. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think the suicide part needed a warning, the only place a warning like that should be is before the start of the game. Story telling feels kind of ruined if its right before a scene or someone telling you it happens. I also feel like there are a lot more despairing and depressing things that happen in endwalker that if you put one here you'd also need one in all those scenes. No spoilers but I think the final zone has a lot worse over all despairing feeling and am worried that the final answer to that zone might not convince some people. I do agree though there should have been one at the start of the expansion overall or in the purchase of endwalker. I honestly think endwalker is very much an art piece so in some ways I'm glad it doesn't because you feel everything as sudden as it happens. You are supposed to feel these dark emotions from this expansion. This is coming from someone who is depressed and has those thoughts when I dip really low and not to take away from those who do get triggered by these themes but my own personal feelings.

  6. The suicide is heavily Japanese similar to ww2 or even feudal Japan. Their land is being "invaded" by us he has no where left to turn and failed at his duty. It an honor bound guilt. Essentially it's a cultural difference and context is key.
    (Posted this before you brought it up later on)

  7. Every Endwalker Cutscene: MA! He said the thing!

    Jokes aside, I think the suicide really and the discussion in this video really grabs on to the point of endealker. That even in the utmost levels of despair, those we put proud us are there to pull us out.
    That's what I got anyways.

  8. A nice compromise might be putting in an optional flag setting where you could get warnings when you take a story quest (like a pop up window). If you check the flag off/on you don’t get it, giving people the option.

    Personally I wasn’t that shocked by anything in EW…. But that’s because it had already happened to some degree for the most part in MSQ. I remember being very shocked by the end of 3.0 (Zenos after Shinryu) and Tesleen’s death in 4.0. Having seen those things I knew they were possible for EW so I think I was more ready die them. I found things happening to a much higher degree and obviously it was pretty dark in places, but given some of the later stuff I understand why they went that way.

  9. I like your guys' opinions and thoughts, even when they seem crazy sometimes. But all that aside sometimes people make decisions that you're not going to like, and sometimes those decisions are irreversible, and sometimes it's a tragedy. It's natural to feel angry about it, but it's better for everyone if you get through it without using that anger. XIV tells a story, and stories aren't all about only the happy moments. There's plenty of aspects of the game that many people cannot physically deal with. While SE can try to tip toe the lines, it's unfair to expect them to cater what they do to the few who see something and declare that it is unacceptable territory. Your character had not even a single 1:1 interaction with him. You barely spoke to him, and any characters you know also barely spoke to him. You got to see him for maybe 30 minutes. The acting was good, but the specific scene was short and not very detailed, albeit dramatic. The problem here lies at a deeper level, and it has nothing to do with the game or with SE.

  10. I agree with Chris. I was angry there is no content warning. Queues I expected. The queue bug being fixed with 6.01 I will forgive. No content warning I can forgive but need an apology. Moving into spoilers and it's gonna get a bit dark. Consider this a content warning.

    It gets worse. The last zone is especially bad to hit without a content warning. I have bipolar and some of the ways it manifests is through depression, anxiety specifically the flavor of anxiety where a thought gets lodged in my head and runs on repeat until I am physically ill (psychosomatic stress), and intrusive suicidal ideation. I got most of the way through the last zone on the 12th. I called out sick the 13th. I thought it was a stomach bug at the time but because I am, a week later, still waking up nauseated every morning and that nausea settles down as I get distracted with work or streams I think it's a psychosomatic response. I do not resent the story they told. It is a good story with serious themes that needs to be explored, but it heeds a content/trigger warning. I have to turn off the music for the last zone if I go visit for fates or materials because the song is a trigger. I hope I can get over that soon because it's a great song. Top 5 of the game IMHO, but right now listening to it turns my stomach and clenches my bowels. The second race, the Ea I think? Were the step to far. Wanting to recreate organic bodies so they could feel the pain correctly was… That was the point where my entire discord, even people who barely know me, was saying "You need to stop now. You can't continue the story. Not right now, not like this." And that is where I stopped on the 12th. Four hours later I woke up from a deep sleep and started vomiting. Thankfully I thought it was a stomach flu cause if I had realized at the time it was emotional stress and anxiety it would have gotten so much worse.
    One bit of happiness I can get out of it is my warning was heeded by my FC. My closest friend in the FC has paused story progression because she starting to see the threads that set me off and is slowing her pace so she doesn't get overwhelmed. At least I helped someone.

  11. Man Chris' ability to remain straight-faced is impressive. If it were me, I'd be smiling sooo much trying not to give anything away, while at the same time giving it all away


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