Dungeon Ride Design: Mount Gulg | Shadowbringers FFXIV

A deep dive into what we THOUGHT would be the final dungeon of Shadowbringers. Hang tight. The next few weeks around here are about to get crazy!

0:00 – Deep Dive Mount Gulg
1:59 – Perished Path and Dark Rides
13:37 – Art Talk
21:06 – The White Gate
25:53 – The Winding Flare
32:03 – Future Thoughts

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24 thoughts on “Dungeon Ride Design: Mount Gulg | Shadowbringers FFXIV”

  1. It's going to be interesting to see your take on the 8 man raid, and the lore implications of it. I would also be interested in seeing a Wall of Raids for the 24-man raids, especially considering the ShB 24 mans.

  2. Winged lion is a lot weaker and clumsier because it's actually just a simulacrum. There are lore bits here and there that Amdapori have based a lot of their artificial guardians or monsters on the creatures that came from a place overaspected with light just like Mhachi when they were summoning the voidsent.

  3. EVERYTHING is made of Aether. Aether is matter. There are no atoms, protons, neutrons whatever, it's aether all the way down. Making a pillar out of aether is just making a pillar. Conjured, yes, but it is as real as anything else. People, magic, souls, memory, it's all made of aether. Everything is aether.

  4. So, you ready to have your heart broken?

    The last boss of Mount Gulg has most of their attacks with a musical theme.
    When you first visited Eulmore, you remember that quest with the young singer who lost her singing voice and was worried her patron would cast her out? Then her patron reassures her that she will ascend, and all will be well! Happy ending! When you return to liberate Eulmore, you can find said patron looking for her, wondering where she has gone.


  5. I love how this plays on the entire concept of a "dungeon". It isn't dark and claustrophobic, buried deep in a cave under a mountain. It's bright and open, at the top of the mountain… which is flying. With the second set of statues, it's hard to tell if they're praising Vauthry or crying for help. Very interesting dichotomy.

  6. One thing that a lot of people commented on back when it was new, was the Forgiven Obscenity and all the music terms with the callback/suspicion its the singer/songbird you meet in the jail of Eulmore who is going to "Ascend".


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