My Final Fantasy XIV ENDWALKER experience [FINALE part 2]

CW: panic attack
I seriously can’t thank everyone enough for this amazing, emotional journey 😭 Please enjoy my reactions to The Final Day, the ending of FFXIV Endwalker.

00:33 – you’re not alone
10:15 – emet help
16:40 – shut up and hug me
25:11 – my friends… mega cry
25:50 – @jessecox utterly destroying me AGAIN 💕
29:25 – squad returns
32:29 – the dead ends
39:49 – the endsinger
47:32 – “best friend”
56:31 – hope
1:03:57 – final dance
1:10:05 – THE BEST SCENE
1:21:12 – welcome home
1:38:44 – yet stand tall, my friend

special thanks to Mel, Mark, Noa, Silver, Kevin and the Panda Fam for making my experience so much fun!

watch me live:
early access:
raw VODs:


22 thoughts on “My Final Fantasy XIV ENDWALKER experience [FINALE part 2]”

  1. After 2 years, 392 hours of footage and 37 edited videos my FFXIV journey is complete! …at least until the next expansion xD I seriously can't thank this community enough for all the laughs, tears and memories that I'll cherish forever. Please enjoy this final* installment.

    love you all so much,

    brit xx

  2. I'm playing FFXIV since the beta of 1.0 and Endwalker broke my heart so bad that I had to stay away from the game for a good 2 weeks. All those years following the scions, fighting against tyranny and the ascians, forging bonds with new people as I travel the world (and other worlds) and finding new friends that I now can call family, it was truly an amazing experience. I am a huge Final Fantasy fan and, for me, FFXIV became the best FF ever. I can't wait to see what S-E will give us in the next chapter and what new friends (npc and pc) I will find along the way. Thank you for this gameplay, it's always amazing to see the reactions of players going through this for the first time. Cheers!

  3. This reaction series was wonderful. I came in late, only started on your Endwalker journey, but it was so great following along with you. Thanks for all the videos! 😀

  4. Seeing the heartache after we left the voice chat and the walk to the end still pains me whenever I see it.

    As always, it was an honor and a privilege to join you and the rest of the squad on this journey. Thank you and the rest of the community for accepting me as The Mysterious Swordsman, and giving me such great memories over this entire experience.

    Cannot wait to see your continuing journeys whereever they lead.

  5. The end of this story was so meta. Hytholdeus literally giving it a review. "it's got it all" did not go un noticed, Emit essentially teasing the next expansions, and of course Zenos' little speech. So yeah. Meta.


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