[FFXIV] Island Sanctuary vs Main Scenario Quests #ffxiv

Island Sanctuary vs Main Scenario Quests
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35 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Island Sanctuary vs Main Scenario Quests #ffxiv”

  1. I cant even get in because of "server overload" but my friend whos in the same world got in in a second. 🙁 so MSQ route for me it seems…..or just grind up my ilvl to do the next part of pandaemonium :')

  2. I just know I'm gonna get really absorbed in the sanctuary and ignore everything else so I'm intentionally doing MSQ and the raid series first before starting. I've done MSQ now and have one more raid left. Can't wait to start aaaaa

  3. "Here you go WoL now you can finally relax! You just have to: Gather all the shit, catch all the animals, wait 2 hours per upgrade, manage timetables and wait for rare spawns. Enjoy your vacation."

  4. i was gonna wait until i was done with the patch msq, but i was so far behind with ilvl (i’m at 560 of the required 575/585) that i ended up doing the acnh/stardew valley fever dream instead 💀 it’s so good

  5. And yet so many red chairs right on top of the island ferryman. You can't enter your island if too many other people on the server are at theirs, so mf's are more willing to sit there and do nothing until they can reach it than spend their time actually playing.

  6. The beauty of doing sidequests first before the MSQ is you get to have some extra dialogue during it. And yes you get to flex you have your own island in one of the choice prompts in the 6.2 MSQ. XD


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