FFXIV Elysion OST "Cradle of Hope" 1 Hour (Omicron Beast Tribe)

This beast tribe has very quickly become my favorite out of all the ones I have seen or done. To top off the amazing new area, the adorable NPCs, and how much this adds to Ultima Thule’s lore, the new OSTs we got are incredible! The first version of Close in the Distance (Echoes in the Distance) is one of my favorite soundtracks from FFXIV, and this is definitely a close second :]

Copyright @ Square Enix 2021
I do not own the music used in this video. All content belongs to its original owners/creators.

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#FFXIV #UltimaThule #UltimaThuleOST #ElysionOST #OmicronOST #FFXIVomicrontheme #FFXIVcradleofhope


9 thoughts on “FFXIV Elysion OST "Cradle of Hope" 1 Hour (Omicron Beast Tribe)”

  1. So heres the thing, everyone is familiar with medusa, but of the other sisters (those being stheno and euryale) medusa is the only one that is mortal. Both the middle child (euryale) and the eldest (stheno) are immortal beings. Regarding medusa, everyone is familiar with the legend of perseus slaying medusa and spawning the mythical pegasus from her sliced neck. subscribe for more gorgon facts


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