The Dawntrail Media tour was packed full of new content! Here’s my coverage of the event which includes a full breakdown for new jobs (Viper and Pictomancer), job adjustments, new areas, new dungeon, and more! I hope you enjoy! 🙂

I tried my absolute best to get as much information and footage as I could, sorry if I missed anything, thanks again to SE for inviting me to the media tour!

00:00 – Intro
00:40 – System Adjustments

01:10 – MELEES
01:18 – Dragoon
05:07 – Viper
10:27 – Monk
12:56 – Samurai
14:40 – Ninja
16:57 – Reaper

18:28 – TANKS
18:56 – Dark Knight
20:19 – Warrior
21:04 – Paladin
21:59 – Gunbreaker

23:27 – HEALERS
23:41 – Astrologian
26:11 – Scholar
27:14 – White Mage
28:15 – Sage

30:03 – CASTERS
30:19 – Black Mage
33:15 – Pictomancer
39:35 – Red Mage
40:45 – Summoner

41:36 – PHYS. RANGED
41:53 – Machinist
43:11 – Bard
44:26 – Dancer

45:07 New Dungeon
52:08 Exploration
54:27 Outro

This is a pre-release build that has not undergone final adjustments. All content is subject to significant change.

💜 Keep up with me! ▼
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/woops
Discord: https://discord.gg/woops
Twitter: https://twitter.com/woops

Edited w/ Additional VO by ▶ https://twitter.com/imJillTime

Thumbnail Art by ▶ https://twitter.com/skullvolver




  1. EDIT: Hey guys, I dont really care if you dislike a change or whatever, please keep negativity or dooming out of the comments, if youve got feedback go give it to the devs on the forums!

    What are you guys most excited for??? Let me know!! I'm personally so excited to play Machinist actually LOL but DRG will still be my main!

  2. Loving all the changes here, and the way you break it all down.

    One small critique; your microphone was popping a LOT, mostly during your breakdown of the Pictomancer, but intermittently throughout. Were you really close to it during recording? Pronunciation of your P's were really overwhelming in that regard.

  3. Honestly? As a guy that mained tanks and melees…I'm thinking this new change of scenery means that I'll be going BLM and Picto of all things…Picto seems like it has a good amount of variety in how you approach the opener, doesn't seem to really have a set rotation and more of a priority thing going on while prepping your big hit Medeen for 2mins.

  4. Ahhhh I can't wait for Dawntrail!! I wanna play everything right now TwT I had stopped played Astro to favour White Mage as my healer of choice, but this makes me excited to go back. And as a Monk main, I'm always ready to try what they throw at me so very very excited to see how these changes feel.

  5. Jill appreciation comment. Absolute giga-editor.

    Viper looks super fun so i'm probably running MSQ with it and making it my main melee, replacing reaper. GNB is my main tank and looks flashier and more fun than ever. SGE is my main healer and that DoT stacking definitely does sound interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how it feels to actually maintain but you're right in saying that it's about to get interesting. I'm excited. RDM is my main caster and that moulinet change has been needed for so long. Needing 60 gauge for it was always so weird feeling. The changes and new additions all look interesting and there's some good QoL so it all looks great. gonna take time to learn the new rotation and flow for it. MCH has been my main phys ranged job but if I'm being honest I never put much time into phys ranged past leveling. This might change in the future though with how cool the new MCH stuff looks. I need this expansion in my hands RIGHT NOW. Everything looks so cool and I'm super excited.

  6. The worst part about adding new jobs/new expansion is that I like pretty much all the jobs. Woe is me with too much to eat at this buffet lmao.

    One thing I kinda don't like is that this is basically "Follow Up Skill, The Expansion". Not a major gripe though.

    In order of things were presented in your video, just some comments I thought about:

    Viper seemed like was kinda meh and not very interesting the way it was presented in previous press releases, but now that you've laid it out in such a digestible manner, I am actually interested in checking it out.

    Dragoon's changes were a lot less drastic than what I was expecting, but it's certainly welcomed! Can't wait to check out what drew me into 14 to begin with. KAIN SIMP GANG.

    New expansion, new job in the name of MNK. Seems interesting, MNK was always fun to play, so seeing this new flavour is going to be fun!

    SAM is SAM.

    Those Ninja updates and changes got me all hot an bothered… might be time to main it again. 👀💦

    RPR is RPR, so we get to reap more when we reap, look forward to it.

    A little disappointed in DRK, mostly being a HW DRK Andy, but these new changes seem hella cool, will be checking that out.


    PLD's updates are probably the least interesting of the tanks, but it's PLD, so it'll probably be a good time. Can't wait to drop the final hit of the new combo reentering buff windows.


    AST changes look REALLY cool, might be my go-to healer with less APMs, was my favourite in HW and SB.

    BLM making me think REAL hard on what job to main, this is getting out of hand how fun this job looks every new expac.

    PIC looks very interesting, might mess with it after leveling a few other jobs, but it's gotten less interesting to me the more info we got on it, the opposite of Viper lmao.

    RDM is RDM.

    SMN is SMN.


    BRD seems kinda cool, love that you no longer need to target something to sing.

    DNC was always fun, so just more follows up? Eh, sure, I'll take more free damage.

  7. Honest question to DRG mains, do you think merging lance charge and geirskogul would be a good change? When I first saw the tooltips and that LotD had a damage boost I thought this would be the case, I'm a little surprised that it's not. They're both 60s cooldowns with a 20s duration that boost your damage, so it kinda feels like button bloat to me personally. Not a drg main though so idk.

  8. I really hope the SGE dot stacking actually stays. For two reasons being:
    1. It actually seems kinda fun
    2. If people like it enough, *maybe* they'll finally consider giving back the other aoe dots to healers.
    As it stands, the potency doesn't seem…the greatest, so theres not that much gain from it. But, I mean, it's something!

  9. Hey Woops as a DRG main maybe you could answer this for me. Does Drakesbane benefit from Lance Mastery 100 bonus potency for 5th hit combo or is it just a flat 440 dmg?

  10. Saying that TBN and Dark Mind remaining the same is good news is such a bad take LMAO. Those are now Drk's weakest points and needs to be changed immediately. Both are straight up trash and outdated. I'd rather have a Dark Mind and TBN rework before I get Missionary for 70 Ults.

  11. I think it is interesting at the very least that it seems they have really leaned into the idea of summoner being the support caster. Two solar bahamuts with Lux Solaris and phoenixes healing and a rez does make summoner feel much more support oriented. The dps incentive added to searing light is interesting as well. Wouldn’t be shocked if we see a light rework for summoner next xpac with the titan garuda and if rot granting group buffs as well. Still disappointed the game play loop is so dull.

  12. Don't normally leave comments, but coming here from the stream at your request! Been looking forward to this since media tour was announced, and I suppose since the EW one – your overviews are right to the point, and show your excellent grasp of basically every job in the game with how you give insight on how the new buttons fit into the flow of rotations. Your enthusiasm for the game is always a treat, especially when I was feeling a bit doomer about some of the leaked changes. Woke up to see the media embargo lifted, and this was the first place I went to look at the new stuff – if no one else got me I know woops (and jill!) got me. Keep up the good work!


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