[FFXIV] People You'll Meet in Duty Finder

I’ve only met like 3 of these ppl…

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32 thoughts on “[FFXIV] People You'll Meet in Duty Finder”

  1. Im only ever impatient when the tank is just not moving fast and i have to keep uptime on a specific ability or combo (Like Disembowel)
    Hell, even as a healer i do it sometimes because there is no ranged and i got a caster card as AST

  2. I'm the impatient DPS when I'm in a party with my tank bf. He wants to take it one pull at a time while I'm rushing ahead grabbing more enemies. I only do it cause I'm a healer and I know he and I can handle it, but I'm sure the dps in our party see me as an a-hole.

  3. Ahh, the healer 'healer' stage.
    When you first start out and are unaware that dps players are just readily replacable cogs in a machine, so brittle that a few maggots or mealworms would be preferable.

  4. I will fully admit that I am prone to being a "healer" healer at times in dungeons. But I'd say my reasoning isn't due to being stupid (I admit that I'm stupid, but that's not connected to the "healer" healing), but rather the hidden Option C) Anxiety. I'm always scared of possibly slipping into too much DPS (like the dreaded Glare Mages) if I take a break from healing. So I kinda panic during those times and obsessively try to top my team off. Thankfully, I'm getting better.

  5. At first I was thinking that the ranged in melee position is actually correct bc when I heal and the ranged are somewhere in Narnia, and my heal can't reach them, I curse them and their progeny for a thousand years. But then you said they don't move, at all, and THAT certainly sounds wrong yes xD

  6. The impatient dps I had the other day kept running ahead of the group and I got tired of keeping them alive, so when they did it again I waited till they died set the tank up with regen quick raised the dps and never thru a heal at them for the rest of the dungeon, they stopped running ahead for some reason?

  7. So, my friend is a super nice person. She jumped into a duty roulette as a tank and going through the content she noticed the healer was struggling to keep her up, undergeared as the healer was. So she told them she was going to take it slower. But the group had this impatient dps who got mad and started to mouth off at her, calling her a "mentor" and a bad tank. Then that dps initiated a kick vote and both other players voted her out of the dungeon. I mean, one player being an idiot is like whatever but that the other two went along with it? Ugh.

  8. Ranged dps standing next to a melee dps? There's no problem with that unless you're doing harder content????? I always stand hella close as a ranged for the healer. What you should've talked about were the ranged dps that ALWAYS PARK THEIR BEHINDS ON THE LEY LINES.

    Also don't forget the "never heal" healers

  9. Some abilities on range dps require you to be in melee range. We also move closer to stand in the healer bubbles. Tell healer to put their bubble back here, then I won't have to move in. Lol

  10. This is specific to people with "Join Party in Progress" enabled, but the "deconstructed pug party". There have been multiple times where I queued leveling roulette or 50/60/70 roulette to come to a dungeon run where only one or two of the originally queued people were left. It's always a mystery if they DC'd or just flat out left, but I have literally come to save dungeon runs with another one or two people coming in to reconstruct the party and keep the show going. LOL


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