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  1. Dice might not deserve the doxing and threats but they're definitely a disgusting human person. They literally went out of their way to make Wave look bad so that you all could dogpile Wave and kick him.

  2. Didn't rin gaslight Wave to the point of self doubt that he wanted to quit raiding in the game as well? Really he should just drop the topic then bring any attention to it.

  3. Jesus people making so much drama over a fucking static? Got kicked, move on and let those you left behind move on as well. At this point Rin seems to be trying to milk as much attention as he can by playing the victim, but serious who gives a fuck.

  4. 1. I want proof this is actually happening. 2. There are literal clips if you ask the right people of Rin saying some of the most fucked up and disgusting shit to someone or about them. Like this man just can't stop. Stop talking about it, stop acting like you're a victim, just shut up and sit down. Its that simple. You lie non stop, you gas light people non stop, you are passive aggressive non stop. You are the last person to be judging how others conduct themselves.

  5. Show us the proof then. The healer you gaslighted had video proof of dice heal padding.
    Surely you want justice for dice? So where are the death threats πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. who let this man cook…from the lying about supporting wave after being caught in 4K CCTV CHINA BIG BROTHER FACIAL ID RECOGNITION the day before who is to say during the pauses (looks like hes cooking) in this video he isnt just saying shit to just say it. i swear he RPing life right now

  7. I'm sorry if i'm rude saying this. After so much lies coming from rin, i think this is another lie that he is making up to content farming on dices. What a good friend

  8. Not that I condone this type of behavior BUT if Dice has a track record of being a shitty healer (which apparently they do from what I've heard) than I'm sure this isn't the first time ppl have doxxed and threaten this person. On that same note, I have SEEN Rin express things worse on other people so the hypocrisy on this whole discussion is crazy.


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