With my friends Geraldhart and Theo! This was day 1 of patch release, so everyone here was blind.
You can find me here:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ferro
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ferro_maljin
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/UeZmpq4
EDITED by: https://twitter.com/hfordmusic
Sign-up for ExitLag using the link https://exitl.ag/ferro and get 20% off the first purchase using the discount code FERRO
Dancing fairy artist: https://twitter.com/umbral_wind
This is from day 1 blind run in pugs. Sorry it took so long, I can only afford 1 upload a week and been a bit too busy to edit my own on the side
On another note ill be streaming hardcore ultimate prog 12-13 hours every day starting this Tuesday after servers come up. Tune in on twitch if you want to watch!
really enjoyed this Yakuza stream from popular Yakuza streamer Ferro Majimajin
being one of the only ones in this raid to stand in the meteor the first time he punches it week 1 was the funniest shit because i can imagine the 20 other people at the fingers being like "what are they DOING there???" seconds before disaster strikes them
I was looking forward to this
I'm so mad that you got the scale right first try. That shit's so easy to grief.
This was great! But my favorite moment had to be around 13:18 when everyone was like, "It's Theo!" The surprise and joy in that was cute.
I feel that pug dog
2:25 I made that same joke when I did this for the first time. My raid leader was not amused
I love seeing Ferro progging he just has so much raid sense he understands the mechanics before they hit its amazing
What an alliance raid, man
First day eight-man raida are fun and all, but there’s nothing that quite compares to the joyful chaos of first day alliance raids
The only one we wiped to was rhalgr because every raiser and tank died to the first meteor jebait, and we somehow got the scales first try
God this was such a fun raid, I’m so excited to see the next tier, especially fun when people don’t know it yet and don’t just sleep through it
Yes the scales do wipe you if they’re not balanced
god i love week 1 content
Yeah, I got fisted hard by Rhalgr, but I think that was everybody's first experience.