FF14 New Player Guide! Also 💧Try Waven Now for Free! https://www.waven-game.com/en/download
Whether you’re a New or Returning Player, this FF14 Guide will teach you everything you need to know to enjoy the entirety of FF14 including Endwalker, Dawntrail and beyond! This beginner guide will make sure you know everything you need to know and more! New players start here!
FF14 Leveling Guide: https://youtu.be/o8aXYeUucyg
FF14 New Player Mistakes: https://youtu.be/3kj_NxbR-Pw
Upcoming MMOs►https://youtu.be/Dk37sZzfg6s
Final Fantasy 14 beginner guide. FFXIV Beginner Guide for new players.
DeshPlease https://open.spotify.com/artist/58YrHyIIzxmfI4oxpAWAMn?si=bGjuIc8LTT-yR5fvDLRO2Q
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0:00 FF14 Beginner Guide
0:33 Choosing or Changing Your Data Center
2:29 Choosing your Race
4:19 Fantasia (reroll your appearance)
6:09 Character Creation
6:45 Class / Jobs
7:39 Unlockable Jobs
8:17 DPS / Limited Jobs
9:15 Healers and Tanks
9:26 Roles, Icon colors, Aggro / Enmity
10:36 Role Responsibility
11:55 Changing Jobs
13:00 Quest Types
13:13 Main Story Quest (MSQ)
14:20 Job Quests
15:06 Blue Quests (Content unlock)
16:30 Side Quests, Repeatable, Red Quests
17:36 Mounts and Flying
19:10 Gear / armor
20:58 Recommended Gear Button
21:53 Gear Set List
23:25 Inventory
23:40 Armory Chest
24:59 Combat and GCD / OGCD
25:25 Proc abilities
25:50 Common Boss Mechanics / Red Eye
26:51 Positionals (rear / flanking)
27:34 Job Guage
28:18 Chocobo Companion
29:39 Chocobo saddlebag
29:57 Fall Damage
30:53 What happens when you die
31:04 Gear Durability
31:15 Repair Gear
31:52 Loot (need / greed / pass)
32:28 Fast Travel
32:38 Aetheryte / Aethernet
34:28 Set Home Point, Visit Another World Server / Register Favored / Free Destination
35:05 Aether Currents (flying) / Aether Cmpass
37:32 Hunting Log
39:22 Fates / Bi-Color Gems
40:25 Duty Finder (group finder)
42:22 Duty Support System
42:55 Map / Teleport
45:08 Retainers / Bank / Auction House
50:40 Hall of the Novice
51:01 Inn and Innkeeper
51:31 Crystal Bell – barber – Aesthetician
52:04 Glamour Dresser – How to unlock and use
56:28 Group Content – Dungeons, Trials, Alliance Raids
58:15 User Interface (UI) / Hud
1:00:40 Customize your HUD Layout
1:02:25 Menu System
1:02:38 Actions and Traits
1:03:02 Sprint
1:03:29 Limit Break
1:03:47 Teleport / Return
1:04:35 Adventure Plate
1:04:55 Currency Menu – Tomestones / Wolf Marks
1:05:34 Character Menu – Reputation / Player Commendeation
1:06:50 Armoury Chest / Inventory saddlebag
1:07:38 Companion
1:08:08 Mount Guide / Minion Guide (pets)
1:09:36 PvP Profile
1:09:50 Gold Saucer
1:10:11 Achievements
1:10:35 Collection (aetherial compass)
1:10:44 Key Items (quest items)
1:11:05 Journal (quest log)
1:11:40 Duty Finder recap
1:12:17 Trust Party (NPC Party)
1:12:45 New Game Plus (ng+)
1:13:00 Hall of the Novice
1:13:18 Timers (event timers)
1:13:41 Hunting Log recap
1:14:12 Sightseeing Log
1:14:20 Gathering Log
1:14:30 Orchestrion List
1:14:42 Challenge Log
1:15:04 Aether Currents Menu
1:15:32 Mount Speed menu
1:15:55 Shared Fates
1:16:25 Teleport Travel Menu / Map
1:17:02 Return
1:17:12 Party Member Menu
1:17:22 Add friend to friends list
1:17:47 Party Finder
1:18:02 Signs / Waymarks
1:18:40 Ready Check
1:18:52 Countdown
1:19:04 Emotes
1:19:14 Free Company (guild)
1:19:36 Linkshells / Crossworld Linkshells (CWLS)
1:20:41 System Menu Options Explained
1:20:50 Toxicity not tolerated
1:21:25 Character Configuration
1:22:55 System Configuration
1:24:28 User Macros
1:25:03 Key Binds
1:26:25 PvP
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Thanks For Watching
0:00 FF14 Beginner Guide
0:33 Choosing or Changing Your Data Center
2:29 Choosing your Race
4:19 Fantasia (reroll your appearance)
6:09 Character Creation
6:45 Class / Jobs
7:39 Unlockable Jobs
8:17 DPS / Limited Jobs
9:15 Healers and Tanks
9:26 Roles, Icon colors, Aggro / Enmity
10:36 Role Responsibility
11:55 Changing Jobs
13:00 Quest Types
13:13 Main Story Quest (MSQ)
14:20 Job Quests
15:06 Blue Quests (Content unlock)
16:30 Side Quests, Repeatable, Red Quests
17:36 Mounts and Flying
19:10 Gear / armor
20:58 Recommended Gear Button
21:53 Gear Set List
23:25 Inventory
23:40 Armory Chest
24:59 Combat and GCD / OGCD
25:25 Proc abilities
25:50 Common Boss Mechanics / Red Eye
26:51 Positionals (rear / flanking)
27:34 Job Guage
28:18 Chocobo Companion
29:39 Chocobo saddlebag
29:57 Fall Damage
30:53 What happens when you die
31:04 Gear Durability
31:15 Repair Gear
31:52 Loot (need / greed / pass)
32:28 Fast Travel
32:38 Aetheryte / Aethernet
34:28 Set Home Point, Visit Another World Server / Register Favored / Free Destination
35:05 Aether Currents (flying) / Aether Cmpass
37:32 Hunting Log
39:22 Fates / Bi-Color Gems
40:25 Duty Finder (group finder)
42:22 Duty Support System
42:55 Map / Teleport
45:08 Retainers / Bank / Auction House
50:40 Hall of the Novice
51:01 Inn and Innkeeper
51:31 Crystal Bell – barber – Aesthetician
52:04 Glamour Dresser – How to unlock and use
56:28 Group Content – Dungeons, Trials, Alliance Raids
58:15 User Interface (UI) / Hud
1:00:40 Customize your HUD Layout
1:02:25 Menu System
1:02:38 Actions and Traits
1:03:02 Sprint
1:03:29 Limit Break
1:03:47 Teleport / Return
1:04:35 Adventure Plate
1:04:55 Currency Menu – Tomestones / Wolf Marks
1:05:34 Character Menu – Reputation / Player Commendeation
1:06:50 Armoury Chest / Inventory saddlebag
1:07:38 Companion
1:08:08 Mount Guide / Minion Guide (pets)
1:09:36 PvP Profile
1:09:50 Gold Saucer
1:10:11 Achievements
1:10:35 Collection (aetherial compass)
1:10:44 Key Items (quest items)
1:11:05 Journal (quest log)
1:11:40 Duty Finder recap
1:12:17 Trust Party (NPC Party)
1:12:45 New Game Plus (ng+)
1:13:00 Hall of the Novice
1:13:18 Timers (event timers)
1:13:41 Hunting Log recap
1:14:12 Sightseeing Log
1:14:20 Gathering Log
1:14:30 Orchestrion List
1:14:42 Challenge Log
1:15:04 Aether Currents Menu
1:15:32 Mount Speed menu
1:15:55 Shared Fates
1:16:25 Teleport Travel Menu / Map
1:17:02 Return
1:17:12 Party Member Menu
1:17:22 Add friend to friends list
1:17:47 Party Finder
1:18:02 Signs / Waymarks
1:18:40 Ready Check
1:18:52 Countdown
1:19:04 Emotes
1:19:14 Free Company (guild)
1:19:36 Linkshells / Crossworld Linkshells (CWLS)
1:20:41 System Menu Options Explained
1:20:50 Toxicity not tolerated
1:21:25 Character Configuration
1:22:55 System Configuration
1:24:28 User Macros
1:25:03 Key Binds
1:26:25 PvP
Time to settle in with some popcorn!
Thanks for making this!!
Jeeze i've never played but this might help me get ino it and away from bdo
I literally just started the game this week. Perfect timing. Thank you!!!
Wow, I couldn't ask for better timing! Got myself a new setup which finally enables me to play FF14 and it's coming in tomorrow! Looking forward to play the game ^^
Game looks grey, boring and its weeby = No.
I have subbed, judging by ur HUD layout do you use an MMO mouse? As ur hotbar is exactly the same as mine.
Hey man love the vid! tough to decide to play final fantasy on ps5 or pc do you have any thoughts on it? 😀
Do you recommend getting the complete edition?? It’s on sale on steam rn or should I skip and just do the free trial? It would be my first legit MMORPG
Nice vid Lucky! There might be a great Free Company on Hyperion for people to play with! 😉
I can't with the races, what the hell are the bunny people and a lalafell? wat is that?
Been waiting for this 😊
As someone who has played this since the beginning this guide is awesome, keep up the amazing work!
the qol is so massive in this game it just seems from another dimension
remind me to circle back when it launches on xbox !
I have hundreds of hours on the FFXIV free trial and will put in a few hundred more before I buy it (I've finished ARR but haven't started Heavensward). That being said I can't wait to watch all of this video while playing some more FFXIV.
This is perfect timing! I literally just downloaded and started playing this yesterday.
I wanted to clear one thing up regarding fates, if you don’t level sync it’s not just you don’t get credit but also you can’t even attack the mobs. Great guide!!!!