FFXIV Dawntrail Job Actions – Spudsy Reacts

00:00 – Intro
00:45 – Dragoon
01:51 – Paladin
02:50 – Warrior
04:11 – Astrologian
06:21 – Dancer
07:33 – Reaper
09:03 – Red Mage
10:56 – Machinist
10:18 – Ninja
14:02 – Sage
14:48 – Black Mage
16:39 – Viper
18:07 – White Mage
19:33 – Monk
20:54 – Dark Knight
23:08 – Bard
24:08 – Summoner
25:43 – Samurai
26:37 – Scholar
27:27 – Pictomancer
29:14 – Gunbreaker

30:35 Job Adjustments
31:12 Tanks
34:39 DPS
48:51 Healers

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7 thoughts on “FFXIV Dawntrail Job Actions – Spudsy Reacts”

  1. The only thing I like about casters having raise is in RNG deaths where it randomly kills someone b/c of a mechanics failure it will sometimes kill both healers… this happens…way too often. I like having a caster be able to rez one of the healers so they can lb3.

    I think they should cut rez out of ultimate content and put it on a 5 minute CD for RDM and SMN in all other content. Also make it instant cast so we don't have to hold swiftcast and make people mad when we use it as part of our rotation…

  2. Yoshi did say in a LL a while ago that they were reworking AST and people were complaining about card RNG so they were looking into that. Not really surprising they removed it. We'll see how AST plays when 7.0 comes out. I liked the random cards too other than lord and lady, I also liked HW AST too so there's that.

  3. On one hand I’m happy scholar is getting its own enshroud. On the other I’m kind of pissed that Sage is basically getting scholars Miasma 2 while scholar gets is an AOE dot that’s on a 2 minute cooldown cause of chain.


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