After completing Stormblood and watching our scion comrades get incapacitated, its time to unravel the mystery that has been unfolded before us in FFXIV

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  1. Man I'm so happy for you. I feel you. To answer a few of your questions. Star means a Planet. 9/10 of the First was swallowed by light and is now gone. We are from the Source, 13 reflections are their own stars/planets. ShB lore is so good. So glad to see you immersed already. I spent lot of my time talking to NPCs next to the quest giver, because almost every dialogue option in ShB is really relevant, even if completely optional. That's how good it is. So taking your time is the right approach. And yeah, you're right. There is a lot of lore and a lot of details which is easy to miss. Easier for us to know, who played it before. But yeah. We got you bro.

  2. Welcome friend. You're entering Natsuko Ishikawa's term as lead writer. Be prepared to shit yourself because you might. No turning back now because the story will put its barbs in you and no you will not get released from the grasp. This is the threshold of becoming a living FFXIV advertisement and you sir just passed it. Hope you like moral relativism and conceptual conflict.

  3. from here until the end of endwalker its going to be a rough ride. be aware there are some slow parts but nothing you haven't really seen before from how they paced past expansions

  4. Natsuko Ishikawa. You got a taste of her in Heavensward and Stormblood with her Dark Knight stories. Her work in Heavensward earned her the entirety of The Azim Steppe storyline in Stormblood. Now, you get to see her truest spread her wings. She’s been the lead writer for the entirely of Shadowbringers and Endwalker.

  5. Honestly, the ONLY point Varis made at the parley that would would consider valid is the one he makes to Merlwyb about Limsa not exactly being nice and fair with their agreements and dealings with the kobolds and sahagin. As that is legitimately the case. But every other rebuke he made relies on not taking the whole picture into account.

    Yes, we had to kill Nidhogg and Thordan, but that was because they were deliberately trying to break the foundations of peace we were building at the time.

    And his rebukes that Doma and Ala Mhigo may have started rebellions may be true, but those rebellions occured because Garlemalde never gave the citizens of those counties a reason to be happy and thrive under Imperial rule. If you conquer a country with intent to rule over it afterwards, you HAVE to give people there a reason to let you stay there.

    And for invoking the Eorzean Alliance invoking Twelve argument, that only holds water if you COMPLETELY ignore the fact that Garlemalde started that mess when tried to bring down Dalamud as a means to conquer Eorzea. Which then resulted in Bahamut hijacking that plan in order to free himself and Louisoix invoking the Twelve to mitigate the damage Bahamut would do. Garlemalde on the other hand, ignored the fact that they caused the Calamity and instead of trying to stop it or warn people, they used the chaos it was causing to further their goals.

    As for the "reclaimation can be mistaken for invasion" argument… THAT looses all justification when you try expanding outside the ancestral territories, because that IS invasion. No two ways about.

    Of course, when the justification for further conquest is revealed, it basically negates any ground he had because "lets commit multiple genocides and global atrocities to create a new master race" is something you pitch when you have completely abandoned the ideas of morality and compassion.

  6. One of my favorite things with the ffxiv team is when they add new races they dont leave it at just the players side, they populate the world with them and include into the story. The tiny details they put the extra effort in for, Is one of the reasons I love ffxiv. Welcome to shadowbringers. Tissues are reccomended for this expansion. I wasnt able to make it to stream but def gonna join for the next one.

  7. My husband and I watch your videos all the time 🙂 It was so nice to see you finally get here to ShB! Enjoy the feels train!

    A suggestion: in the future maybe turn on subtitles when you watch the trailers, if such an option is possible? There was a lot of important details in the voiceovers while watching the trailer that I was excited to see you react to that didn't happen because I don't think you could hear them.

    Keep up the streaming! You're doing great!

  8. Wellcome to Shadowbringers.
    May I suggest turning your fighting sounds down a notch because the Music in the dungeons and in the trials are epic (especially in one in particular) And it would be sad if you miss that because of swords clashing


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