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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
0:00 – intro
1:26 – Areas / Quests / Crafting & Gathering Deliveries
8:07 – Quality of life features
13:22 – Leves
13:52 – Fates
16:50 – Treasure Hunts
18:22 – Grand / Free Companies
19:42 – Housing
27:05 – Gold Saucer
28:22 – Misc
32:48 – Battle System Changes
45:31 – PvP
47:48 – Items
1:03:14 – System
1:33:10 – Outro & Thoughts
Timestamps. Expand To Select.
0:00 – intro
1:26 – Areas / Quests / Crafting & Gathering Deliveries
8:07 – Quality of life features
13:22 – Leves
13:52 – Fates
16:50 – Treasure Hunts
18:22 – Grand / Free Companies
19:42 – Housing
27:05 – Gold Saucer
28:22 – Misc
32:48 – Battle System Changes
45:31 – PvP
47:48 – Items
1:03:14 – System
1:33:10 – Outro & Thoughts
The new estate barring system is awesome. It looks like they’re finally implementing some meaningful systems to help you deal with annoying players.
If they really didn't like calling the tribes, for some reason, change it to clans or something. That's basically what they are. No one's going to say allied society.
Thank you! I always appreciate your attention to detail
the alliance gear change is addressing the problem i saw when they first announced it, you can be lvl x0 long before you get to .x alliance, which means the moment you hit 60 before even getting to hw you were either completely locked out of alliance raid, or you bought gear off the mb to compensate, this limits that to only what you have UNLOCKED, which is more forgiving with all the xp buffs
I tried looking for it, but can anyone tell me if the are adding inventory space to the Glam Dresser and or retainers. Or any changes to inventory managment or how things are organized.
So no hats or helmets for bunny 🐰 and lion 🦁 girls and men that's bullshit sorry my language I'm kind of mad there are good hats that we still can't wear
I still call it beast tribes
Do we know how the dye system will interact with the Armory Chest?
Like if i have a piece that's already dyed, and it gets a second dye channel, what happens?
Pictomancer… Housing items.
I really hope the ash mask and it's variants are available as face wear. I really want to be able to wear the mask and a hood at the same time.
i'm so excited for club security guard rp with the new barring system
The fact that the False Shaded Spectacles are now face wear and they are currently an extinct item… I really hope they start making old PvP series rewards available in game again, some how. Either make them purchasable in the PVP shops, make them available for Moogle Treasure Troves, or 7 Hells make them available in the cash shop. The fact that so make rewards are FOMO is terrible especially when trial players are not aloud back into PVP even though we are going on a three year unfulfilled promise that the ban would be temporary.
No, Meoni, not sausage, anything but sausage! I hopefully have a returning player who's battle cry was "Long Live the Sausage!"
1:23:24 i recommend "artist"
I'll get to DT sometime in the future…….after I get through EW and post ShB content. As well, what irl stuff comes my way.
Do I need to feel 'pressured or must' to have a Jack-of-All-Trade main since most players take that as the norm to enjoy FFXIV??
You can also use it to block the messages popping up in your chat, log involving RMT
Thank you!
You know that scene from Finding Nemo where Bruce smelled blood? Yeah, that was me when I saw the Aiming gear and rifle.
You have no idea how long I've wanted a duster coat and proper rifle in this game