FFXIV Criterion Rewards Community Voices Concerns | Work To Game

FFXIV Criterion Rewards Community Voices Concerns | Work To Game
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9 thoughts on “FFXIV Criterion Rewards Community Voices Concerns | Work To Game”

  1. I have never raided Savage and I probably never will. So I have been hoping for a new source of gear from content that is less demanding than Savage raiding. Criterion sounded like it to me, much like how M+ exists in WoW, but if it's not gonna drop gear then I don't really get it. There's already an endless amount of content to do for cosmetics and "extras." I think we need more ways to gear up than just raids.

    EDIT: This isn't me saying I want a way to get Savage loot without raiding Savage. Not at all. Savage raiders should have higher ilevels than me. That's the reward they get for putting in the time and effort to raid Savage. I just want another tier of gear to get to as my "endgame." Since I don't raid Savage, I gear up through dungeons and Tomes and that's kind of it. Just feels anticlimactic. I Can't commit the time to raiding Savage. It just isn't happening. But something with less of a time commitment I could and would.

  2. "If you want to really be efficient, go do this other kind of piece of content" — this just shows how out of touch Brian is since he doesn't raid Savage. Savage raiders already have to create crafted sets on day 1 of a new tier, we have to grind tomes every week in either dungeons or hunts. If we are doing Ultimates, we need to gear via Savage. The game already asks players to do X content to be efficient in Y.

    But aside from that… you do not need to do Savage to clear Criterion. I've cleared it on alt jobs in i610 crafted sets. If you can't clear it @ 610, guess what? Tomestone gear is 620! Wow, and you were already collecting that anyway doing your roulettes or hunts. If you can't clear it at 620 — more gear is not going to help you. You are better served actually learning how to play your class and the fight itself — because you are either not properly hitting your buttons or you are getting damage downs and/or deaths. There is no other excuse for not clearing at that point.


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