All questions are rhetorical. This is part two of our Patch 4.4 Stormblood coverage.
Part 1:
0:00 – Intro
1:55 – The Return of Ga Bu
4:40 – Enter Solus
24:35 – Black Rose
#GrindingGear #FFXIV
Follow Garrett & Kyle!
Reminder streamers are only just finished 4.4 do try to be spoiler free. Sept 8th will be 4.5 Stream so stay tuned.
Putting the sniper rifle away to watch and I have nothing but smiles, spoiler smiles and happy smiles.
I enjoyed GaBu but not to the degree that Garrett does. I mean his walk into the scene with Alisae, how can you not absolutely adore that little guy!
That was a great video guys, a lot more editing in it that I thought. I see why you were delaying the 4.5 stream now. Well done!
@Garret don't worry at all about still liking Zenos's gib, I also feel he's the only more interesting (as in entertainingly bombastic yet genuinely dangerous & eerie) major Garlean villain in Stormblood besides Gaius (whose speech to the WoL imo gets better the more you play the game, like Kyle noticed!).
And even if Zenos's motivations are "basic" … you know how it is with FFXIV and the way it can elevate common tropes/cliches 🙂
(I find Zenos's inability to find any joy/meaning in anything else besides fighting to death very engrossing, it's a corrupt version of disorders like addictions to exciting stimuli, & the anhedonia in depression, diminishing returns of any scrap of happiness you get from anything, living in quiet desperation for anything more meaningful & life-affirming– & most people who still find meaning in life can't relate why you're so unhappy/unsatisfied over everything…, which I relate to no matter how I disavow needless violence)
And his design, dialogue writing, voice acting & the memes attached to him are sooo charming, some of the best in the game still imo! I want my WoL to have zombie Zenos's injured outfit 😀
Also Garrett even though you said you don't feel compelled to read any outside reading for FFXIV so far and maybe fear of spoilers, I genuinely, honestly feel your favorite characters so far (Cid, Nero, Estinien who you miss 🙂 & Zenos especially) have very enjoyable backstories & side-stories only mentioned in the official lore website. To the point those stories make me like them even more haha
If you guys need a refresher and clarification (without worrying about spoilers) on what are the Ascian's objectives and goals, I definitely recommend rewatching some of the 3.2 and 3.4 voiced cutscenes particularly the ones with Minfilia/The Word of the Mother and Arbert and the Warriors of Darkness. Basically the overall goal of the Ascians is to rejoin the the remaining shards/reflections to The Source (which is the planet/plane of reality the WoL and Scions live on) which with also cause the Ascian god Zodiark to be revived. Also the different shards/reflections (which including The Source there was 14 total, presently 7 have been rejoined, and each rejoining marks a Calamity on The Source) are different stars in terms of being worlds from another plane of reality, which is different from the other stars Omega and Midgardsormr came from (those are literally different planets from outer space but the same plane of reality). Also as stated in 3.1-3.4, the Ascians don't want an entire shard/reflection to be consumed by Light or Darkness (the 13th, the shard/reflection Unukalhai came, was completely consumed by Darkness and is now The World of Darkness/"The Void") as it causes that shard/reflection to become a "useless void" to the Ascians.
Also Eorzea just refers to the western landmass that the city-states Gridania, Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, Ishgard, and Ala Mhigo are located on, the entire planet/world is called Hydaelyn.
As someone that has completed Shadowbringers (haven't started Endwalker yet) it's really fun seeing you guys trying to grasp at where the story is going
Watching Jesse Cox's FFXIV Lore for Beginners would help clear things up with the history of the game world. It would be a good refresher.
'I love creepy sh*t'….. who else is waiting for the Welcome to Shadowbringers moment?
It's so fun seeing you guys speculate on what lies ahead, it's probably as close to the "authentic" experience of doing this when it was current that you can possibly get. I hope no one spoils anything in these comments, all we can say is this and much more than you can imagine will be addressed 😉
I'm not sure I can wait the 6 months it will take these two to get to 5.3, let alone through the end of 6.0.
Absolutely sick intro and great video in general. Interesting nuggets of speculation to say the least. Can't wait for Thursday next week (or more likely the VOD on Friday evening), I wanna see some RIDING HOOOOOOME in chat when the time comes.
The best part of XIV is how i can say every question you have will be answered shortly.
These two are pretty smart.
In direct contrast to what appears to be the entire rest of the FFXIV community, I found Solus to be exceptionally boring as a character. Certainly more fleshed out and complex than someone like Zenos but good god did he put me to sleep whenever he was on screen.
I think you guys are bringing something that no other streamers have to the MSQ playthrough game. These longform videos where you bounce speculation off of each other is really cool to see. It's not something you'd be able to do if you kept playing and tried to summarize the thoughts you had back when you were playing older patches. We're a greedy community when it comes to seeing MSQ progression, but I'm enjoying these insights!
El no sabe pepeLaugh
Cant wait for you guys to continue the MSQ.
Y'all's minds are about to be blow out of the water. Is all I'm saying.
Oh the places you will go. The sights yet to see. The immense feels you are about to witness… 🙂
All shall be explained soon. So very soon. Can’t wait to see you get there.
I personally love the Solus reveal at 7:37. There is always a tension in the "Evil Empire" trope, which is that the gratuitous acts of evil are inherently destabilizing to an empire. Knowing that the founder was explicitly encouraging that evil to promote chaos for goals beyond the empire's survival and stability was much appreciated.
Prepare yourselves to shadowbringer~. 🙂
So his name was solis
Congrats on making it this far! A wild ride awaits so buckle up!!