Rich W Campbell Reacts to FFXIV Endwalker Delay During Live letter Ft Sfia

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31 thoughts on “Rich W Campbell Reacts to FFXIV Endwalker Delay During Live letter Ft Sfia”

  1. While it sucks most fans can take the 2 week delay because we know the team wouldn't do it unless it was needed. With the explosion in players this year the whole gaming world is watching and they need to get this one right.

  2. I remember Rauban extreme. I was the only one in my FC that got through. I was in the Azim stepp and looked at the player search for the zone and there were 7 other ppl besides me in the zone. Like a ghost town.

  3. Lol at the comments thinking this gives Asmon a chance to catch up…

    Like…guys… Wake up. It's most likely going to be at least a couple months till he's streaming again. I could be wrong, but in terms of Asmongold, I wouldn't bet he'll be playing with us on release.

    Now, if he just skips story and does it on zackrawr maybe, but I don't think he'd do that.

  4. What's up with this gimmick with Rich staying in someone's closet (a massive closet, looks more like a spare room).

    …but why is he doing this gimmick, is there something wrong with living a physically and mentally healthy balanced lifestyle.

  5. Those guys are probably living in the SE Office right now to finish the last work on FFXIV. Take the Time you need Guys and thanks for your hard work on the Game to make us Players happy ! We Appreciate you <3

  6. 3:24 – I looked at this and for a moment I was very confused if OTK is co-producing or sponsoring the FFXIV stream, because the OTK logo fit perfectly next to the translator… Then I realized it's just one of Rich's overlays, lol.

  7. I have still have yet to come back since 5.1 and catch up… so i guess its more time to catch up. But damn, that sucks. But understandable, we waited this long. Whats 2 more weeks?

  8. Even without the delay I wasn't gonna log on in launch. The queue will be hell and I'm gonna be stuck waiting for a long ass time, anyways.

    I'm screwed now because I planned my break AT THE START OF DECEMBER.

  9. saw this live, literally got teared up when he got teared up, truly one of the best creators period and I started FF14 as a main in 2020 lmao wonderful developer

  10. I am a legacy player who has been playing nonstop since patch 1.14. I stand with Yoshida fully. He’s given me 10 years of the best moments in my 40 year long gaming history.

    I took my two last weeks vacation to play and cannot change it. But I’m not angry as I know doing this is a bit of a gamble. I am ofc sad I cannot play to my hearts content but I’ll play from the moment I get home from work and go to bed with the minimal sleep I need to get through the next workday xD


  11. I've been re-doing all the main quests through new game + and have been reading every single text…. I started that on October 19th and intended to complete all the expansions before the early access date of Endwalker. 24 quests a day is what I needed to do. you may think that isn't a lot, but god damn…. 4 – 7 hours a day in total for (basically) a month. I used to play video games that much bow nowadays I don't. it's pretty rough but I've been enjoying myself with the game.

    I started playing FF14 before the heavenward expansion. I recall reading everything as well as watching the cutscenes, but I stopped doing that when heavensward came out. I wouldn't say that I regretted it, but I definitely didn't feel "whole" if that makes any sense. skipping through everything means your missing out of 80% of the game, at least that's what it feels like after actually reading and watching through everything. it's a whole new experience and makes me appreciate the game 10X more.

    I'm a little into Stormblood at the moment and… I don't like it. not sure if I'm in the minority on that, but it's probably because I really like "Fantasy" elements of Final Fantasy as well as medieval type stuff. not a big fan of Japanese culture, at least I don't really care much about it. story is still great though and has been great since you first get into Corethas. a lot of players say that "A Realm Reborn" is somewhat of a slog-fest but… nah. it does get a lot more interesting and unique, that's for sure.

    If you were like me and skipped through everything but are now currently thinking about going through new game+, then now is your chance before Endwalker releases! it's doable if you are a lvl 80 but very improbable if you intend to do it with a new character. good luck!

    Sidenote: I just checked for speedruns and somewhat actually completed A Realm Reborn with a new character in just 15 hours…… that is crazy.


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