The combat isn't slow lmao. It feels slow to start, sure, but when you've got a thousand mechanics being thrown at you while having to weave in cool downs, combat feels too fucking fast lmao
The combat also become fun on hard content like extreme trials, ultimate and savage raids where making little mistake miss up ur rotation. But for easy contents like dungeons and others its really boring in my opinion.
Watching this live was fun. Thanks a lot for teaching me how to be a much better tank Xemo! I really appreciate it. Also I got high purples now with over 100 ping!
Man this shit really makes me miss optimization haven't played with it in forever, and never had the time to get too deep, got 97th in o7s (guardian) And mostly purples with a few other oranges in stormblood but since then haven't done jack shit, and I remember all this shit and it makes me crave it again.
Man, been playing for 7 years and still learning new shit lol. Thanks for the information xeems, passing it around to the boys and practicing more today.
Full orange parsing Blm approves (Although it is not the most clicky job). I feel like showing the opener/rotation for ninja would clearly shut the "slow combat" andy's up
The only con about Monk's fast gcd is how nervous it makes me whenever I do a double weave. Most of the time, even with p decent ping, feels safer to not risk it for the biscuit. Unless forbidden chakra rears its ugly head again when its least wanted. I was one of the people concerned about the 2.5s base gcd and honestly, with how much movement is necessary (especially as a monk) and how much other stuff there is to do between your gcds, makes me almost wish i could get negative skillspeed food sometimes.
A lot of players are also very bad, i sometimes do dungeons and, apart of ACT, i see how they play and they are not queueing spells, not weaving, just playing like a tourist on a saturday morning.
Its great video but you should make it 10-15 min video so more people will watch it, especially Asmon. Those videos are too long for most of the people to watch.
yes the combat is slow for the first 50 lvl before you Unlock your first Extreme…. bcs 1-49 is meant to be a learning point for your class/job you will get skill 1 by 1 until u comfortable with that skill then you unlock another skill after that, another and another.. when you reach 50 you will get the basic idea how ur class work and learn the rotation naturally maybe not the correct one that put you on top of the pars but you get the idea….50 60 70 and 80 is your checkpoint on how well you play your class after you done with 50 you will work your way up to 60 and 70 then 80…
thats why boosting for your first character is the biggest mistake you could do if ur aim is beating the hardest content in game(EX, SAVAGE, Ultimate) im not saying ppl who boost automatically bad at the game… the one that willing to learn their class before jumping to hard content is doing well enough.. but the one that don't… well we already see how thats end up….
I'm a black mage… nuff said. BUT I'm a wow player primarily (for now anyway). Because there just isn't the content on the "how to play" by really great players, it's extremely difficult to learn the more advanced stuff. I've had to learn via bits and pieces from reddit and other places. The game doesn't teach it natively and what I finally figured out is to experiment and die a lot doing it. It would be REALLY helpful if FF's top folks would stream and others make a how to guide for the more advanced play. It would help tremendously.
like devil may cry and monster hunter (2 of the best action combat design ever made) the latter is significantly slower, a lots ppl say it more clucky but it's not, dmc make you feel a badass even you perform like shit (this is by design),in monster hunter if you want to feel and look like a badass you have to work for it
They also would rather hit the same 3 buttons 50 times in a row really fast and have little to no impact on their overall dps than pressing 10+ buttons that massively effect your overall output. Faster GCD = lower penalty for messing up, I played combat rogue in Legion, highest apm and was falling asleep in mythic raids and still doing top dps because if i hit the wrong button it was only 1 sec before I could press the correct one and it didn't matter much. The longer GDC makes every button press more important because if you hit the wrong button you have to wait longer to get back on track and it does show in parses.
Man I haven't thought of your vids since Heavensward but this popped up and reminded me of how inspiring they were. I haven't played for a long time at this point but watching how you play and your Paladin guide back then really impacted how I played and made my time doing content really enjoyable. Thank you for that, I hope things are going well.
That was excelent information for new players and even veterans how the game gimmics. I hope next xpac I can go back as tank, so I can pay more attention to Xenos tanking strat no dmg meta.
I've been playing FF for a while and this video really helped me out with the games combat. For me it's less that I feel the combat is slow but more I feel the GCD punishes mistakes a lot. It was more apparent when I was learning but I think the gripe is that say I start hard casting verthunder because I misclicked, now I have to stop and wait like 1.5 seconds to cast again. Out of curiosity for those who have been playing longer, how badly does 200-400 consistent ping effect the off GCDs?
unfortunately ff is a game where latency plays a major role on combat , the double weave is not as good (u might even need to skip it ,hence then lose dmg/ survival/utility ) When ur latency gets higher then 50 ms, or has "spikes" of x3 or x4 ur base latency .
The king is back…I might buy the game again if u go full tryhard back 😎
For monk, when you're chakras are popping off and brotherhood is up, and your perfect balance combo is up, yeah its waayyy too fast.
Xeno is FFXIV God
Respect, as always.
All true!
I miss heavensward DRK every day. Really hope they change it up somehow, at least Delirium.
Song @ 13:53 ?
"The combat is slow with that 2.5s base GCD" while they're still at level 20 with five actions available in total and no gauge
Always appreciate these types of discussions from you Xeno thanks dude
This is a very good video. There's a LOT of shit new players will never understand unless they're taught.
This man has been giving top tier info for years but some still choose to button mash like it's tekken.
The combat isn't slow lmao. It feels slow to start, sure, but when you've got a thousand mechanics being thrown at you while having to weave in cool downs, combat feels too fucking fast lmao
This dude quit for a whole day and made a video about it 😒
so you don't weave in WoW?
with a 1.5s GCD, wouldn't tha make WoW actually super slow?
I thought you'd at least single weave oGCDs
The combat also become fun on hard content like extreme trials, ultimate and savage raids where making little mistake miss up ur rotation. But for easy contents like dungeons and others its really boring in my opinion.
I was bad until I switched to PC and starting parsing for personal improvement. Played on console for 2 years
Awesome stream man. Just to let you know, My tanking has improved a lot watching your greedy ass all these years!! 😅
I still got a ways to go. Keep up the great work and can't wait for the next house give away
Watching this live was fun. Thanks a lot for teaching me how to be a much better tank Xemo! I really appreciate it. Also I got high purples now with over 100 ping!
I dont care for optimization or uptime.. Watching xeno rants is gold
Edit: xeno the "toxic" streamer is so nice to giveaway mounts each of these streams, not even the "positive" ffxiv content creators giveaway stuffs
You've made me become a better tank over the years homie. Always enjoy the streams and content. Thanks.
Man this shit really makes me miss optimization haven't played with it in forever, and never had the time to get too deep, got 97th in o7s (guardian) And mostly purples with a few other oranges in stormblood but since then haven't done jack shit, and I remember all this shit and it makes me crave it again.
one thing i didn't hear that's also good to know is your hitbox is basically a pixel under you and you can be 40% inside an aoe
Man, been playing for 7 years and still learning new shit lol. Thanks for the information xeems, passing it around to the boys and practicing more today.
Right click on the dummy health bar and you can reset enmity without running away.
this combat discussion opens my mind how to play my samurai. thanks men.
Full orange parsing Blm approves (Although it is not the most clicky job). I feel like showing the opener/rotation for ninja would clearly shut the "slow combat" andy's up
Seriously thought you were only playing Aion now.
The only con about Monk's fast gcd is how nervous it makes me whenever I do a double weave. Most of the time, even with p decent ping, feels safer to not risk it for the biscuit. Unless forbidden chakra rears its ugly head again when its least wanted. I was one of the people concerned about the 2.5s base gcd and honestly, with how much movement is necessary (especially as a monk) and how much other stuff there is to do between your gcds, makes me almost wish i could get negative skillspeed food sometimes.
Proactive combat vs reactive combat
A lot of players are also very bad, i sometimes do dungeons and, apart of ACT, i see how they play and they are not queueing spells, not weaving, just playing like a tourist on a saturday morning.
Its great video but you should make it 10-15 min video so more people will watch it, especially Asmon. Those videos are too long for most of the people to watch.
yes the combat is slow for the first 50 lvl before you Unlock your first Extreme….
bcs 1-49 is meant to be a learning point for your class/job you will get skill 1 by 1 until u comfortable with that skill then you unlock another skill after that, another and another.. when you reach 50 you will get the basic idea how ur class work and learn the rotation naturally maybe not the correct one that put you on top of the pars but you get the idea….50 60 70 and 80 is your checkpoint on how well you play your class after you done with 50 you will work your way up to 60 and 70 then 80…
thats why boosting for your first character is the biggest mistake you could do if ur aim is beating the hardest content in game(EX, SAVAGE, Ultimate)
im not saying ppl who boost automatically bad at the game… the one that willing to learn their class before jumping to hard content is doing well enough..
but the one that don't… well we already see how thats end up….
But there was weaving in wow even in wrath. So it's definitely not a new concept 🤔
Spliting it in second and first half of OGCD is big brain. I've been going from feeling and muscle memory, lol.
I'm a black mage… nuff said. BUT I'm a wow player primarily (for now anyway). Because there just isn't the content on the "how to play" by really great players, it's extremely difficult to learn the more advanced stuff. I've had to learn via bits and pieces from reddit and other places. The game doesn't teach it natively and what I finally figured out is to experiment and die a lot doing it. It would be REALLY helpful if FF's top folks would stream and others make a how to guide for the more advanced play. It would help tremendously.
casually watching the vod
looks down
holy fuck its 3hrs long
This video needs to be be part the games tutorial instead of the hall of the novice
like devil may cry and monster hunter (2 of the best action combat design ever made) the latter is significantly slower, a lots ppl say it more clucky but it's not, dmc make you feel a badass even you perform like shit (this is by design),in monster hunter if you want to feel and look like a badass you have to work for it
They also would rather hit the same 3 buttons 50 times in a row really fast and have little to no impact on their overall dps than pressing 10+ buttons that massively effect your overall output. Faster GCD = lower penalty for messing up, I played combat rogue in Legion, highest apm and was falling asleep in mythic raids and still doing top dps because if i hit the wrong button it was only 1 sec before I could press the correct one and it didn't matter much. The longer GDC makes every button press more important because if you hit the wrong button you have to wait longer to get back on track and it does show in parses.
glad to see him back
Man I haven't thought of your vids since Heavensward but this popped up and reminded me of how inspiring they were. I haven't played for a long time at this point but watching how you play and your Paladin guide back then really impacted how I played and made my time doing content really enjoyable. Thank you for that, I hope things are going well.
Good shit bro
When is the give away though? I’ve been waiting for weeks
Cries in 200 ping from SA trying to double weave.
That was excelent information for new players and even veterans how the game gimmics. I hope next xpac I can go back as tank, so I can pay more attention to Xenos tanking strat no dmg meta.
are you the guy that keeps clickbaiting his streams advertising you are quitting and giving shit away?
I've been playing FF for a while and this video really helped me out with the games combat. For me it's less that I feel the combat is slow but more I feel the GCD punishes mistakes a lot. It was more apparent when I was learning but I think the gripe is that say I start hard casting verthunder because I misclicked, now I have to stop and wait like 1.5 seconds to cast again. Out of curiosity for those who have been playing longer, how badly does 200-400 consistent ping effect the off GCDs?
unfortunately ff is a game where latency plays a major role on combat , the double weave is not as good (u might even need to skip it ,hence then lose dmg/ survival/utility ) When ur latency gets higher then 50 ms, or has "spikes" of x3 or x4 ur base latency .
Really appreciated the info about double weaving and how to get out 5 Fell Cleaves over 4. Thanks Xeno!