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Clipes dos melhores streamers jogando Final Fantasy XIV todos os dias reunidos aqui em nosso canal !
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Twitch do Streamer deste video: twitch.tv/zeplahq



  1. The fact that Blizzard is now sandwitched between feminist harpies on both sides is rather funny though.
    One harpy is screeching about oversexualization, the other screeching about making women cover up.
    Luckily though they're both satisfied because they got to bitch about something.

  2. A man must be allowed to express sexual interest in a woman, a man must be allowed to try and determine if those feeling are mutual, a man must be allowed to try and spark those feeling in a woman.

    We're hairless monkeys, not fucking sims characters.

  3. Everyone: Fix the REAL LIFE sexual harrassment issues that's happening in your office right now!

    Few days later..

    blizz: Here's the result! We removed some of the DIGITAL FANTASY aspects that may cause our employees to sexually harrass people!


  4. This is meant to appese a crowd of people that don't exist, but all it succeeds in doing is say somehting very dark about Blizzard devs.

    What, exactly? "If a woman wears revealing clothing, I can't contain myself and want to assault her."
    And that's some classic Dark Age and rightoid shit. And lo, the same people who kept preaching about the sins of others still couldn't resist going for dat 'sweet forbidden fruit', like altar boys.

  5. I get the sentiment here, but “she’s sexy and she knows it” makes no sense in this context. “She” doesn’t exist. “She” is wearing the clothes in the first picture because the guy who designed her wanted her to wear skimpy clothing. It wasn’t meant to be empowering, it was meant to entice the beck beards in Blizzard’s office, and the neckbeards in the audience.


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