Want to try soloing some stuff at level, but don’t know what to try with? I go over the best of the best at this somewhat niche discipline!
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FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope
#ffxiv #endwalker
00:00 Introduction
01:18 (5) Dark Knight
03:09 (4) Sage
05:20 (3) Gunbreaker
07:07 (2) Scholar
09:45 (1) Warrior
12:48 Honorable Mentions
13:19 Paladin (After level 84)
13:48 White Mage
14:47 Fun Fact
If you are interested in soloing content, make sure to catch the Solo Challenge streams ! We're having fun
Hahaha just searched for solo stuff! Great timing
If RDM was smart with their pulls and the damage they were taking, couldn’t they solo with Vercure once they have it?
Seconding another plug for the solo streams: Even if you aren't interested in soloing the content yourself, the solo streams are really great for learning about mechanics you might not have ever known about, and might help with general tanking/healing. They're some of my favorites and I feel like I know a lot more about several of the dungeons whose streams I caught!
Also, something something Scholar is a tank lol. I love that the first clip used for Scholar was Aurum Vale. That was such a wild one. XD
Double also, the Paladin troll at the end. Nice.
My fun solo experience is o8s unsynced. I doubt if Other savage can be soloed unsynced due to Body checks.
And learning spells solo with blue mage is fun too.
How I wish the other tanks had anywhere near the self sustain of Warrior
Honestly with the talk of solo synced runs id love if blu was avaliable earlier (play all of msq as the one unique powerful job, really feel like a WoL lol) but it definitely needs some adjusting. Mimicry needs to be toggle, rehydrate needs to have a shorter cast, defense cooldowns either need to be instant or casted faster (not diamondback) and please god give us more spell slots. (And give blu more traits SE, only up to lvl 50??)
I miss smn being able to tank,, heal, and dps. It was pretty unique to arr, but using tank accesories to summon titan egi gave it more hp and defense tan warrior and paladin, using healer accesories made smn physic actually fairly good for off heals on self adn others with the spell sustain healing titan egi. Iwas able to solo almost every dungeon in arr synced. The only one that wasn't doable on release was Amdapoor Keep due to specifically the bees on demonwall.
To put a name on the word: the Solo streams is by Rath games! They've got guides out for soloing most of ARR if you're stuck somehere… like perhaps Titan (normal).
some honorable mentions should go out to both Ninja and Samurai, for being the only jobs available in ARR that can pass Titan, by either dealing with it through a peaceable AoE, or putting out enough damage to skip the phase entirely.
Summoner and Scholar are the best solo jobs, since you get to sit down and snuggle with your Carbuncle to not feel lonely.
So for tanks dungeon bosses, I dont have to heal them? >:p
Me soling lvl 90 maps, making good gil, and having fun doing it:
Haha unga bunga WAR go brrrr
Also, potions in 14 are kind of lackluster.
Before watching: I'm predicting Red Mage being high up there, White Mage and Warrior are probably at the top of consideration.
13:10 "Solo blue mage might have trouble with [large wall to wall pulls] too due to not being able to stun everything fast enough"
I unno man, BLU built pretty different. You can do some nutty stuff if you plan it out properly. In dungeons below… a certain level I forget, you can just freeze packs as you walk into them, hit them with a bristled breath of magic (like a 360 potency DoT with basic instinct active), and keep going. They'll die before they catch you at the next pack
wouldn't it be black mage they only have mana ward and some mobility for the worst job?
Paladin is way better at early levels clemency is works amazing for it, dark Knight is a joke compared to clemency. The only real thing drk has over Pld is the third combo heal
One thing to also consider is that shields can be used to prevent some statuses, and whether a job can full heal themself. There are some mechanics that apply nasty debuffs and some that send you to 1hp or require you to full heal. I don't know about solo sync, but I know DRK can prevent the physical vuln from the TB in Eden Titan, and PLD resolves the petrification in O11S unsync. TBN can also prevent some vulns.
Ironic how i am doing heaven on high solo as PLD to get the lone hero title and beated 50 floors so far without dying recent. If he is not in this list then PLD is mediocre?