Ex Mythic WoW Raider speculates upcoming FFXIV Dawntrail Dragoon rework and changes

Check out @99_Vit ‘s original video here:

Since we have the Dawntrail Job Actions Live Letter coming up this Thursday, I thought I’d take a look at some speculated changes around the Dragoon job as it’s my current main. I think Vit did a really good job at explaining how the class functions and his proposed changes pretty much hit the nail on the head. Hopefully this is more of a touch up than an entire tear-down and rebuild of the job.

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10 thoughts on “Ex Mythic WoW Raider speculates upcoming FFXIV Dawntrail Dragoon rework and changes”

  1. At the very least it feels like the job has nowhere left to go in its current state
    Just loop a pair of combos from buff and dot to damage back to buff and dot
    I don't see anything they could add to life or all the ogcds it has to rotate right now
    Seeing that new nidhogg uppercut, I just hope whatever the rework's plan is opens the door again, so to speak

  2. Just judging from the "buttons don't feel fun if all it does is make you do a flat amount more dmg" I think he would really enjoy Samurai, given it is selfish and not nearly as busy as drg etc. but samurai doesn't have such a thing, your burst is determined by your big CD's like usual and the dmg buff is passively integrated into the rotation as is in drg with disembowl. I don't think there is a single button on SAM that doesn't feel fun to use (well arugably maybe the one where you eat your stamps, but otherwise, don't see one). I mean even the basic "gauge gain" ability at lvl 90 changes something about your interaction where you unlock a new super big ability from it on top of what the gauge gives you in the first place.

  3. With lance charge, it's really that makes you feel good when you get everything inside every 1min, it's a "HERE WE GOOOOOO!!!" button that you will really feel when you get to 70!

  4. I think it makes sense to me to just make Dragon Sight give you two eyes. It's right at the start of your opener, and you'll enter Life soon after. Also, it's called Dragon "Sight", it thematically fits as well

  5. Also in regards to line aoe's honestly the main part making them horrible to use on pulls, is the fact you have to target to aim your line, so it is easy to miss enemies in a mob just make them free use like all the other aoes (except casters and gravity lul) and then it would feel nicer to angle them etc. because you are not reliant on enemy positions changing or dying etc.

  6. I kinda view dragoon in the same lens as monk. As they both have a fair amount of party utility. Dragoon should definitely have a personal mitigation ability, but giving them a party mit, would be cool, but it would be a lot of buffs for them

  7. 20:38 monk also encounters this issue too lol, where it's opener and 2 minute bursts, as well as 1 minutes, aren't as strong as they could be? Or require weird management to get better damage over time, depending on kill time and stuff. Idk how they will address this, but I do find it to be a form of skill expression


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