Quazii dives into the Chinese FFXIV community to examine the shift in sentiment from playing World of Warcraft to Final Fantasy XIV.
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#wow #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv
The unlisted WoW cinematic I referred to in the video, one of the most downvoted videos ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evGkiiUac2M
Thanks for another cross-culture video 😀
Since you can read mandarin, it would be fun if you could try and translate/describe some of the chinese ff14 memes/videos on bilibili to us.
would really like to see more videos describing the similarities and differences bewteen player bases in CN and NA
WoW probably makes significantly more profits per average user though. They have a more expensive subscription, they have the WoW token, they produce less content per patch, the content they make seems to have less production value (in terms of presentation, music, cutscenes, etc. not saying it's not fun) and they seem to have less internal QA as well. Their strategy is to make highly repeatable content with a lot of difficulty settings.
I am so happy you are a potato too
I started FF last week, had bought the game a month ago+, but i wanted to clear mythic sanctum, after sylvanas was down i got mount and i start FF, very fun so far
If I had an MMO and I wanted more Chinese players, I would just put the following in the intro cutscene:
And I'd have like… millions of subs. <.<
The movement continue let's conquer the world ff14 forever !!
Great insight, thanks for sharing this!
This worries me, like a lot.
Blizz saw how much money there was in the china market and alienated their og players by pandering to the Chinese censor to make money.
Really hope square doesn't do the same thing.
For the censorship in CN FFXIV, as far as I know:
2B stocking underwear become normal, not high pants;
the default small clothes changed to the blue swiming suits;
the skeletons in some dungeons changed to zombies;
several female swimming suits in the online store removed the cover images.
This is a really interesting video! Thank you for taking the time and translating the articles!
Not surprised that China is following suit. Lore that is diluted and poor gameplay of WoW has finally caught up to them. Ever since losing my weapon powers at the end of Legion….it has really gone downhill. Too man parasitic/expansion-only grinds for powers only to be lost. Who wants a 'job' like that? FF has such flexibility and story. I will not be going back to WoW.
Botters will follow the people
I sincerely hope the chinese players in no way affect the game. Nothing good can come of that, looking at what it has done for other western and japanese games.
And that's without factoring in the CCP
If WoW loses the China market that will be a devastating blow to both Blizzard and Activision.
Your channel and content is so good. Very glad I found it. Thank you so much for all the love and effort you put into these videos!
2:59 Hello there!
But regarding the survey: Might be a mix of apathy towards WoW and FF fans showing presence.
Many MMORPGs tried to fight WoW directly instead of being unique and different. Its like Epic Games vs Steam and when Epic Games started buying exclusives, Gabe just said "well, we will wait and welcome you (the publishers) you the moment you want to release your game here again" and the metaphor /dont fight your enemy, just chill at the side of a river and wait for your enemy to float by in the river.
FF14 stayed unique and didnt care about being bigger than wow and was just chilling at the side of a river and enjoying the day. Untill Blizzard was floating in the river including WoW.
Blizzard: Changes WoW to try and pander to Chinese audiences.
Chinese Audiences: Play FFXIV instead.
The logic is they want all the money for people giving carrys
I suspected this would happen, but not that it would happen so quickly…
Mirroring what a few people said already but really enjoying these videos regarding Chinese gamer's sentiments/information from just a general curiosity standpoint, don't really ever see much insight there and it's just generally nice to see how sentiments are pretty similar and FFXIV has that shared impact across the globe story wise.
well wow was greedy as hell on the same time as they were lazy as hell.. they brought tis on themselfs, if it ff14 wasnt there some other game would have absorbed the refugees.. as there would have been refugees anyways.
Blizzard gone woke. It can’t be saved.
if you use $$$ to buy WoW tokens, sell those for Gold, and buy a carry, Blizz gets a cut. If you buy the carry directly with $$$, Blizz don't get a cut. That's the difference.
Interesting given Blizzard’s pandering to China’s CCP re: the Blitzchung incident. This shows how even after retaining access to China’s market, the product still needs to be good. Turning women into fruit has ZERO impact on becoming good again
Speaking of China…. I wonder how much FF14 has been "cut" or "altered" because I think there is no way the government would allow the
critics on authoritarian/imperial ideas and the thoughts on freedom and revolution which centers around Stormblood.
Hilarious in that Activision/Blizzard spent so much time attempting to cater to China
been playing ffxiv for about 6 years, RMT is SUPER fucking prevalent and VERY common. I've been in at minimum 4 data centers as well. LFG/Party Finder is littered with RMT especially in AETHER data center since that's a raid heavy server. Also i'd say you can play whatever you want because the content is easy enough/simple enough where there is no real meta and a lot of the job design is streamlined/samey. It's a casual game/experience at heart that focuses heavily on story so ofc most of the content is pretty braindead.