Here’s a big ol’ video of my Endwalker demo play! I tried to cover everything but obviously didn’t have all the time in the world, hope you enjoy!
Thanks Square Enix again for inviting me to the Media Tour!
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00:00 – Intro
01:07 – Dragoon
03:56 – Samurai
04:32 – Ninja
05:38 – Reaper
07:24 – Monk
08:30 – Bard
09:36 – Dancer
10:16 – Machinist
10:51 – Black Mage
11:40 – Summoner
12:33 – Red Mage
13:34 – Warrior
14:32 – Dark Knight
15:18 – Gunbreaker
15:51 – Paladin
16:27 – Astrologian
17:47 – Scholar
18:19 – White Mage
18:55 – Sage
22:46 – Dungeon Gameplay
32:00 – New Zones
34:17 – Conclusion + Final Thoughts
💜 Keep up with me! ▼
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-DRG doesn't get 30s Life trait until 78, thought it was 68 oops
-SCH "AOE Thrill" is actually just one party member, still good tho
officer keldezley
I don't know how I feel about the AST changes, I'm gonna need to play it first. Sage seems interesting.
I'm thinking of getting into FFXIV, are there any tips any of you can provide?
Next time u play fnf you should play the origami king mod
So glad to hear that Sage isn't basically Scholar 2.0
When Yoshi P. said they were focusing on having two different types of Healers: Regen & Shielding healers, and Sage was going to be another Shielding healer I was afraid it would be like Scholar where it has very weak heals and is meant to be the most pro-active healer of all of them. I struggle to play SCH so that worry extended to SGE as I was afraid it'd just be shields and more shields. I'm glad to see it has lots of heals and regens in there as well so I can definitely see myself picking up SGE without worrying about playing it poorly 🙂
hecc, woops, ur just friggen awesome. Keep doin whatchur doin :3 definitely one of my favorite content ppls
The atmosphere of Garlemald is super cool
Let's gooooo
Great video woops!!! 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻
Can you play Antipathy hank mod
I love watching Woops and Shenpai playing FFXIV and find it so cool they got to do these media tours 🧡
dude woops this was awesome. I never knew you played ff14 as I watched you for VR chat back in the day lol I just started ff14 back in june or so, I played back in SB, rip sch, but I feel EW wil be awesome. and I will be maining sage, bet,
I know literally nothing about final fantasy 14 but if woops makes content I watch it
my only question/concern is will endwalker be the end of ffxiv or will this be the end for ffxiv or will there be future content with this being the end of the current story arc????
Awww Woops wholesome, I love the lil ending
Woops going over the adders gall skills… My response… Its sch aetherflow heals with mana regen added on….. Oh dear
Edit: he literally says as much when talking about them individually XD
aww, the closing thoughts were really touching. 🥺 good job on your video, woops!!!
It's official.
Someone on the Dev' team hates DRK.
just got sneak from drak side just wanna say thanks woops for asking for blood of the dragon animation effect to be added in some way
Shaggy fnf new update came out it has 7 key songs and another ultra shaggy